Plan 2

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Rhea is in the mall walking aimlessly. She can't buy anything as all the items are expensive and she can't afford it.

Rhea: huhh...Dad what did you do? Because of you now i can't buy anything. It's all your fault.

She then finally decided to leave when she saw Pranbir shopping there.

Prachi: Ranbir please buy this na. It will be good on you.

Ranbir: no jaan plz. I don't like it.

Prachi: pretty please.

She said in a baby voice with puppy eyes and voice. Ranbir melts seeing her. He looked here and there and kissed her pout. Prachi blushes heavily and lightly hit him. Ranbir laughs seeing her reaction.

Amongst all this Rhea fumes in anger and jealousy.

She leaves from there. But at the exit, the machine beeps. Security guards immediately stops her.

Rhea: what? Leave me alone you middle class.

Security: we will. First open your bag. We need to check.

Rhea groans in frustration and give her bag. Security searches her bag to find a diamond necklace. Rhea widens her eyes. She started panicking.

Rhea: isn't mine. I didn't steal it.

Security: Bob call the police and make her arrested.

Rhea: no..please leave me.

Rhea begged everyone present there. But nobody listen to her. She cries and ask them to believe.

After sometimes the police arrested her. She begged them also. But they arrested her.

When she was dragged she saw Prachi standing with tears and Ranbir side hugging her. Rhea felt heartbroken as she realises that Prachi will not help her. And even with her reaction she gets that she is the one that planned this.

Rhea:(mind) now i get this. This helpless feeling of no one believing and trusting you. Everybody against you. No one to help. And even more painfull to see my own sister doing this. So this is how Prachi felt..

Pallavi opened the front door. She looks outside.

Pallavi: this is all because of you Prachi. My son is against me. He is away from me. My husband is in jail. What will i do god?

She then sees a big parcel. She gets confused. She sees her name written on it.

She opens the parcel to get a biggest shock. She sees Sid lying there dead.

Pallavi: Sid...

She screams and yells him to get up. But he didn't.

Sid is the son of Vikram's bhai. But they died so VikPal took care of him and adopted him. They gave love to him so much, ignoring Ranbir. That hurted him. He being the only son of him. It sometimes hurts to see our parents loving others, but not us. He was jealous of Ranbir and was a attention seeker. He fell in love with Prachi and is obsessed. He was the one along with Rhea instigated Pallavi against Pranbir and Pallavi kick them out. He is nothing but a evil person.

Dida also come there. She was devastated seeing him. 

Pragya: I cried like this. Seeing my Prachi lying on the hospital bed. Seeing her dying with you allegations. I cried for fucks sake. He deserves this. He hurted my Prachi physically mentally emotionally. And my son Ranbir.

Pragya yells with angry tears.

(Note: She can see everything from her computer.)

Rhea is in the jail sobbing. Nobody is there to help her. Her dad and buji is in jail. How can she come out.

Just then a lady constable come there.

Constable: you are released Ms Mehra.

Rhea can't believe this. She mentally noted to thank that person.

Inspector asked her to sign and go. She signed and noticed Prachi's name and Signature on her bail papers. She gets emotional seeing this.

Rhea(mind): Prachi... She gets me out. Why? She put this case on my head and then made me release why?

Prachi and Ranbir is in the room.

Prachi: Our plan was successful. She finally realise how i feels every time. How i felt when i go to jail.

Ranbir: yes jaan. She deserves it. Okey.

He wiped her tears. He then looks at her asking for permission. She blinked her eyes.

He then took her lips slowly and passionately. They kissed for a minute and broke it.

They panted heavily and joined the hug.

Ranbir: you don't need to be guilty for what you are doing Prachi. Because it's the only way to teach her a lesson.

Prachi nodded slightly.


I am feeling light seeing Rhea getting punished. You guys feel the same?

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