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The next few days beomgyu didnt go to school and its making hinji worried.

After that day, beomgyu distance himself from her, didnt talk to her in the class.

Hinji was worried for him and try to figure out what is his reason for behaving like this.

"Hinji!" She looked up and saw a guy smiling to her, she smiled weakly.

"what can i help you..?" the shyly smiled and spoke "are you free this weekend?" He asked hoping to get a yes as answer.

Hinji went silent and slowly facing the guy, she gave an apologetic smile

"actually i have plan with my friends.. so uh yea" she rejected him politely.

His smile faded and nodded his head understanding

"i-i see.. " he mumbled awkwardly.

"Whats your name?" She asked the guy.

"Yeonjun, from 5C" he introduced himself.

"Well yeonjun, my friends jana actually interest to go date with you" she smiled and looked at her desk mate.

Jana stopped eating and slowly looked at them both.

"Huh??" She was confused.

Hinji winked and whispered
"I know you have crush on him, take this chance!" She chuckled.

Jana was blushing and awkwardly chuckling

Yeonjun rubbed the back of his neck and stared at the girl name jana. He thought shes cute when she blushed.

"Well.. urm jana are you free this weekend?" He asked the girl.

She almost choke on her bread.

"So yes?"

She nodded and chuckled.

Hinji was smiling and feel happy for the two, she wish that will happen to her soon.

The teacher suddenly walking in and yeonjun rushingly ran making the two girls laughing.

"I have a news" the teacher spoke.

Hinji feeling unsettled by his tone, she doesnt know why but something bad is happening.

"Choi beomgyu, your classmate quit for school from now"

Everyone was confused by the unexpected news especially hinji.

"Why?" She asked the teacher.

He sighed and continue

"Its beomgyus privacy that i cant share so please respect that" he told the students.

"Finally we can live in peace" a voice talking from the back, laughing with his friends except heesung.

Hinji turned her head and spot jungwon was the one who talked and laughing with his friends.

She saw heesung face was blank.

"We should throw a party at my house to celebrate this happy news! Right guys?" all of them cheer after hearing that.

Hinji clenching her fists, staring at those people who are cheering and laughing.


She need to do something before its too late.

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