Part 1

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This story will start when speed left the poke center when he was healing from using a device to become a flareon and save from frost. Speed and black still meet a few days before he gets days off.

Speed was resting in the house, watched by crystal and flare. He was in the house for 2 days.

Speed: *Reading a comic book* ...

Crystal: ...

Flare: ... big bro.

Speed: Yes?

Flare: do you have to go tomorrow?

Speed: Yes.

Crystal: Why can't you stay a bit longer...

Speed: ... Crystal...

Crystal: I'm worried! I never saw you this hurt!

Flare: Sis right...

Speed: ... sorry, I wasn't careful.

Crystal: ...Speed, we only have each other. We don't know we have parents...

Flare: Big bro I don't want to see you gone...

Crystal; Flare right.

Speed: Crystal... flare...

Crystal: *hug speed* please... be more careful.

Flare joins the hug.

Speed: *Hug back* I will... hey, how about when I'm out, I'll bring you two things.

Crystal: Sweets please~

Speed: *Laugh a little* Alright, flare, how about you?

Flare; Chocolate please.

Speed: Got it.

Crystal: yay!

Then they hear a sound.

Flare: W-what was that?

Speed: Shhh. *Whisper* Hide quick-

The wall breaks and it shows the same pokemon that attacked them years ago. Putting fear in the 3 eevee's once again.

Speed: R-run!

Crystal and speed are about to run, but see flare standing there in fear.

Speed; Flare run! *Run to flare*

Crystal; Flare! *Follow*

Speed near flare and push him to the crystal but fall due to the pain.

Crystal: Speed!

Flare; *snap out of the shock* Big bro!

Speed: Run now- *Got smack by the Feraligatr*

Crystal: Speed!

Feraligatr: You all won't get away!

Speed: *Barely standing up* S-stay away! *Used shadow ball but it small*

Feraligatr: weak! *used hydra pump at speed launching him to the wall*

Speed is on the floor hurt, unable to move and bearly opening his eyes.

Crystal: No!

Flare: Sis look out!

Speed: *Weak voice* N-no... *Close eyes*

Later few hours

Speed slowly woke up and looked around, scared and noticed where he was.

Frost: Speed you awake.

Speed; F-frost. I-it was all a dream.

Frost: What do you mean?

Speed: W-will i was at home with my siblings, then a Feraligatr came and attacked.

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