Part 9

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Few weeks later. The new year have passed and all have fun and enjoy there day, all watch the fireworks happened, speed and lazuli kiss as the new year have begin once again and hope for a better year.

At terra town.
Trace: Hey pearl!
Pearl: Hm? Oh hi trace.
Trace: what are you doing?
Pearl: Looking for a job.
Trace: Need any help?
Pearl: No thanks, but thanks for the help.
Trace; What are friends for.
Pearl: *smile* yeah... say what are you doing?
Trace: Oh just looking around to eat, there all look good.
Pearl: I know a place.
Trace: Really? Are you sure? I mean you looking got a job and-
Pearl: I'm not in a rush so it's fine.
Trace; Alright then.

Little later.
Trace: It seems they know you?
Pearl: Yeah, my parents and I come here a lot.
Trace: hehe, remind me of pops.
Pearl: Pops?
Trace; Yeah, speed and I go to eat pop places all the time... I hope he's alright.
Pearl: I'm sure he is...
Trace; You know, pops is the many mons who accept speed... everytime i see his face it looks like he is glad.
Pearl; Glad?
Trace; Yeah, I don't know why, but he seems happy.
Pearl: ... do you think... he friends a pokemon that was...
Trace: Maybe...  I was hoping to see pops here.
Pearl: Maybe you will, or he might somewhere else.
Trace; Yeah. I hope he's alright, he is a great mon.
????: Here is both of your food.
Trace and pearl; *Shock* but we didn't-
Trace: Pops!
Samurott: Miss me?
Trace; Y-yeah.
Samurott: When I saw you I couldn't help but get your usual order, but i don't know about the espreon so I asked, and made her usual food as well.
Pearl: T-thank you sir.
Samurott: Anytime, and tell speed to come here, but not i am here.
Trace: You bet.
Samurott: Anyway have fun with your date. *Left*
Pearl: D-date?! *Little blush*
Trace: Wait no, it's not i mean no. *Cover face* ahhhhh.

Little while.
Tarce: I'm so sorry, I didn't think pops would say that.
Pearl: I-it's fine.
Trace: S-so um... do you know what job you wanted?
Pearl: N-not sure, anything will be alright.
Trace: Why not a scientist? You are very smart. (And pretty)
Pearl: *Blush* (Did he forget I'm psycho type) m-maybe...
Trace: Don't worry, I can help you, maybe an assist?
Pearl: Are you sure it's okay? I mean... It seems unfair.
Trace: Yes and no, you might be right, but if you show you know what you are doing you allow.
Pearl: ... I'll think about it.
Trace: Alright.
Pearl: ... Do you think I can make what you made for me? *Looking at the bracelet*
Trace: Yes, I know you can do it, you have to believe in yourself.
Pearl: *Smile* Yeah, thanks trace.
Trace: (Why is she cute, why am i thinking this now?! Pops what did you do to me?!)
Pearl: (H-he thinks I'm cute?) *Blush*
Trace: So how is your cousin?
Pearl: Good, he's a big fan of speed.
Trace: Oh yeah, I remember how he realized speed was the yellow flush.
Pearl: *Giggle* It's funny, not only that, he got many fans.
Trace: Fans? Like fans girls.
Pearl: Yup, but at least they know.
Trace: Some. *Shack head* There are some who try to get close to speed.
Pearl: If they try, lazuli will punch them.
Trace; *Shaking* Don't remind me, that poor rock.
Pearl: It's just a rock.
Trace; Yes, but the size of the rock, imagine it was you.
Pearl: *Winks* alright you got me there.

Later  outside
Pearl: *Feel chill* Still cold out here. *Then feel something warm*
Trace: Take my jacket.
Pearl: What about you?
Trace: I'm alright, this isn't the first time.
Pearl: Oh right, you used to work as a rescuer... why did you stop?
Trace: Reason, but one of them is speed, after making a robot to find speed, but will stop because there is no need, I decided not to stop, make armor instead.
Pearl: A armor?
Trace: Yeah, since speed and lazuli are rescues, I thought making armor to protect them, mostly lazuli, speed is more protective of lazuli.
Pearl; That's true, and it's sweet of you.
Trace: Thanks.
Pearl: Wait, didn't you make those bracelets?
Trace: I did, but it is not fully ready, it only makes shields, and has gps.
Pearl: I see a limit.
Trace: Yeah... but I know I can do it.
Pearl: I'm sure you can, I believe in you.
Trace: *Smile* Thank pearl. *Look at the time* It seems like I need to go.
Pearl: Oh alright then, bye trace. *Kiss chack*
Trace shock getting kisses and seeing pearls leaving.

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