Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning to sunlight.I sit up.I am on the side of the road.Everything that happened yesterday comes tumbling back.

I mean I know I am on my own.I am kinda scared about that.At least they won't be able to hurt me again.They don't mean to act like this.

I walk down the street seeing a gas station.I notice this creepy guy across the street staring at me.He look at each other for a minute.Then I run into the gas station bathroom when I notice him walking towards me.

I sit in the bathroom.I lock the bathroom door.I wait about the minutes.When I decide he is probably gone I open the bathroom door.

I see the man walk up to me.He grabs me.
"LET GO OF ME."I scream

"This is my daughter she is just misbehaving."The random man says

I begin crying.

"I swear this is my daughter."The strange man says
"SOMEBODY HELP ME."I scream at the top of my lungs sobbing my eyes out

Another young man walks up to us.
"Let her go now."He says in an Australian accent
I turn around and look at him.He is very tall and has curly brown hair.He is quite handsome.

"I told you this is my daughter."The stranger says

"Is this your father? I need you to be honest with me."The young man asks

"This isn't my dad.I have never met this guy in my life."I say tears still rolling down my cheek

"Alright then you need to leave."The young man says to the weird stranger

The weird creepy stranger leaves.I just sit down against the wall and cry.

"You ok? I am Ashton."The young man says
"Thanks for saving me."I say
"What do you want in return?"I ask wearily
People always want someone for a good deed.

"I don't want anything.I am just glad you are ok."Ashton says

"What's your name?"Ashton asks
"I am Demi."I say
"Do you want me to drop you off at your house?" Ashton asks

"I-I don't."I say and stop
I am not telling this stranger I don't have a home.

"You don't what?"Ashton asks kindly

Ashton seems like he is a lot more mature than people his age.
"I don't have a home."I mutter embarrassed

"Why not?"Ashton asks concerned
"My parents kicked me out."I say

"I am so sorry that happened."Ashton says sympathetically

"I know I barely know you.And I promise I am not a creep or psycho.Ashton pauses.If you need a place to stay you can stay at my house."Ashton says softly

"Well I umm.....Fine but I have a charged cellphone.Don't do dare try anything.And if you try to hurt me I will call 9-1-1."I say nervously

"I would never hurt anyone."Ashton says kindly
And there's something about him.I believe him.For some reason I just know he will never do that.

I follow Ashton into his car.
"So where do you work?"I ask Ashton
"I am a singer."Ashton says

"What's your last name?"I ask suddenly
"Irwin."Ashton says smiling
"Wait your in the band five seconds of summer!"I say surprised

"Yeah I am."Ashton says
"I love your music."I say
"Thanks that means a lot."Ashton says

We pull into the driveway of an enormous mansion.

We pull into the driveway of an enormous mansion

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It has an enormous pool.The manison is very modern.My jaw drops in shock.

"Do you like it hon?"Ashton asks
"I love it.It's so big."I say
Wait did he just call me hon?!?!?!

I study Ashton for a minute and he smiles mischievously.We walk up the path to the front door.

"Oh shoot I don't have my keys."Ashton mutters

Ashton knocks on the door.Thirty seconds the door opens revealing a blond haired boy.

"Hey Ashton".The blond boy says
The blond turns and looks at me.
"Who are you?"The blond boy asks curiously

"I...I umm."I say nervously
"She needs a place to stay for awhile.Her name is Demi."Ashton says coming to my rescue yet again

"Well nice to meet you Demi.I am Luke."The blond boy says

I nod cause that's all I can say with my anxiety.There are two of them.Are they going to hurt me? When did I go with them? Why am I so stupid?

I follow them into the house.On the couch are two more boys.One of the boys has dyed red hair and is very tall also.The other boy had brown hair and tan skin.

He live with three guys.They are going to beat me up.Or hurt me.I am scared.Calum must have noticed my expression on my face.

"None of us will hurt you."Calum says
I nod.All the other guys look around Calum's age and they seem pretty mature also.I just hope they keep their word.

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