2 || Vision

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Pantalone excused himself from Y/N who was reading a book about the history of Teyvat.

"I won't be gone for too long." He assured her before patting her head and leaving.

'The Fatui'

He thought as he followed strangers wearing the uniform that symbolizes the group.

After receiving the news about the Cryo Archon asking for his presence, he can't help but feel nervous.

Why would a person like him got the attention of the Tsaritsa.

What will happen?

Soon they arrived at the building that looks like a castle.

"Please continue following us." The Fatui agent told him before leading him inside.

Shrugging of his thick coat, they all walked in silence through the well designed castle.

A few turns here and there, they soon stopped at a door  that looks very grand. That looks like it belongs to a queen.

The Fatui agent knocked at the door before speaking.

"We have arrived, your grace."

A few moments later of silence, the white marble doors opened in front of them.

The agent faced calm and collected Pantalone and jerking his head towards the door.


Hesitantly nodding he entered the room where there sat a throne infront of him.

The air feels heavy. Mostly being under the presence of an Archon is very nerve racking.

Kneeling at the bottom of the small staircase which led to the throne and there sitting the Tsaritsa herself

"Your grace?" He spoke calmly, but in reality was nervous.

The Tsaritsa sighed, "Pantalone, is it?" The cold sheering voice of the Archon spoke.

Nodding his head he replied, "Yes."

The Archon nodded, before taking a good look at the papers where there is written information about his academic abilities, strengths and weakness, and extra information about him.

"You are smart, have knowledge beyond this world, and mostly you know how to really handle numbers..." She trailed before glancing at him.

Watching him nod his head at confirmation, she continued.

"You rejected an offer from the principal about working at a small business... Why?"

"Because I wish to finish and graduate before I start to work as an adult." He replied.

'And to finally bring Y/N to a date'

Moments later the Archon smiled before telling him something that change his entire life.

"Well then, I am here to personally invite you to work for the Fatui... Your knowledge about numbers will be a big help. Accept this invitation as an intern?"

Pantalone snapped his head towards the Tsaritsa about the offer.


After Pantalone left Y/N's dorm, packing the stuff she needed before going back home to the town.

*Knock knock*

Came from the door.

Rushing towards it she saw the academy's mailman holding out a letter specifically for her.

Thanking the kind man she opened the letter when she saw the later that was sent from her father.

Dear Y/N,

Congratulations for graduating at the academy at the capital.

But I do have a bad news.

Your father was caught in a cold a week ago, it wasn't something serious yet he was coughing a lot.

Awhile ago I decided to visit him and tell him about the news of you graduating, by the time I arrived there I saw your father not breathing.

The villagers did everything to help him, but he has passed now.

Y/N cried as she read the letter over and over again. It wasn't real, it is not right?

Letting out a loud cry on her room and crying for more than hours on the floor she passed out from exhaustion.

A few moments later the girl woke up. This time not alone...

With her...

On her hand...

Lies a vision...

A cryo vision.

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