❆ 29 || The Lantern Rite

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(Extra Long Chapter

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(Extra Long Chapter. I suggest listening to the song above when you arrived in Liyue or at the start of the chapter, you pick!)

2 months passed, and it is time for Lantern Rite Festival that will be held in Liyue in the next 5 days. An annual celebration to welcome a new year on the Harbor.

Before that, Y/N has changed.

Pantalone even notices it.

She barely goes out for adventures, her posture is getting a tiny bit bad, and she walks or moves slowly.

One time she asked if she could get a cane, since she feels heavy nowadays. As much as Pantalone hates to admit it, it was painful. She was truly aging faster.

In the present, Y/N is sitting outside on a bench as she watches the snow falls. Pantalone was in a meeting with the other Harbingers, questioning why La Signora hasn't sent any updates to them.

The girl smiled softly as she gazed the ring sitting on her ring finger, the beautiful jewel shining against the light of the day.

Yes, Pantalone proposed to her a week ago. It was truly romantic.

They went to different places in the capital of Snezhnaya, a very relaxing day indeed. He knew about Y/N's movement getting slower, so he did his best to match her pace.

They visited their old dorms, the Academy where they studies for years, and even greeted the old neighbors of their childhood home.

Visiting also the grave of Y/N's father, giving respect.

Soon they walked through the woods, recalling the memories where Y/N first saw Pantalone getting cold from the snow. The two stayed on the same spot for a couple of hours to watch the night sky twinkle.

Y/N didn't even noticed when Pantalone got down on one knee like he promised. He called out Y/N who softly turned her head towards the man only to find him kneeling.

She was shocked of course, then he spoke.

"My snowflake, I know we had problems a while back. That I became selfish, but still you hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for giving me a chance to court and love you, so now I ask you... Will you be my darling wife?"

Pantalone spoke, as he felt slight tears brimming through his eyes.

Y/N was even more shocked, he is proposing to her. To Y/N, an adventurer who turned into a beast, then recieving a curse, and still... He asked her to marry him.

She couldn't help but let her emotions get the best of her and cried.

"Of course, yes. Yes."

She chanted to him, Pantalone released the biggest smile he made in his entire life before engulfing Y/N into a lovely hug. The two cried together for pure joy.

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