When the proposers proposed, what was their SOs reactions?

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- she squeals so loud everyone in the park hears it and start recording, the proposal goes viral


- I already said her reaction in the other chapter but yes she squeals yes. Villains attack and she shouts yes at them


- she falls of her chair and squeals in excitement 

Mt. Kamui🤎💜

- as said in the other chapter, she grows tall and breaks the ceiling of the restaurant, Kamui ends up paying the restaurant for the damages, she bombards him with questions about the wedding on the way


- this was after a fight, and she blushed so hard, Nejire Hado was with her and bombarded her with why she was blushing so hard


- she wept and cried yes


- she cries as well and kept on muttering (like Izuku does) All Might shook her shoulders until she stopped and she said yes



- she kept on asking him questions and started saying she wasn't good enough for him and all that stuff. He stopped her and said she was the only one and the best choice for him. She smiled and said yes (so cute🥺)


- she turned to the inventing table, made something, then it opened and said yes HAHAHAHAHA sorry I'm so sabog and tired rn

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