Kaminari Denki as a Comfort Character<3

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*i've been feeling down lately so here ya go*

- You don't like it when there's loud sounds, so when Bakugo and Midoriya are fighting, you're always curled up in a ball. Kami will carry you to a nearby room and put headphones on your ears then go out to help stop the fight

- Ever since you came, he doesn't do that much loud stuff anymore

- Very observant, the first time he saw you having a panic attack, he asked Bakugo for help

- Will cuddle 🥰 

- When you feel discouraged, he knows how to cheer you up. Ice Cream (if you're lactose intolerant, then your favorite comfort food)

*I promise i'll try to get a sec gen chapter out soon, hopefully before May ends*

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