When did they find out they were in love? <3 (CLASS A)

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requested by MiguelCastro854!



Bakugo- he was scrolling through his photos and lingered at the part where Camie stole his phone and took secret selfies, he lingered there for about 5 minutes staring at her picture and said "(a/n: excuse my language) ah shit i like her"

Camie- she was chatting with Momo and Ashido, and they were talking about crushes. after Momo said Todoroki, Camie was in deep thought about the people she knew.

"Shishikura: he's meh, not rlly my type

Yoarashi: too young

Mora: too hairy

Todoroki: not rlly my type either, besides, Momo-chan called dibs first

Bakugo: ..."

what did she think of Bakugo?

"he's cute when he's angry, great plus if he's strong, and his smile..."

Camie mutters and says "oh i think i like bakugo"

Ashido: think?! nah girl you do, i've seen the way you look at him during training


Iida- he denies it every time one of the dekusquad bring it up with him, one day he's in the lab with Hatsume and catches him staring at her longer than he intended to, he gets his suit and runs to the changing room bumping into Bakugo who gets mad

Bakugo: what are you doing here, glasses?!

Iida: apologies Bakugo-kun, i am in a rus

Bakugo: why the **** are you blushing?!

Iida: huh?!

Iida goes to the changing room and indeed finds that he is blushing

"do i like bakugo?! no wait not bakugo.. OH HATSUME!"

Hatsume she's in the lab and just toying around with some stuff and drawing on her drawing board, after a few minutes, Power Loader comes in and sees her drawing Iida

Power Loader: ah i see you have recognized your feelings now

Hatsume: what feelings?

that night she jerks up in bed and says "MY FEELINGS FOR IIDA"


Midoriya- he thinks of Uraraka the whole day and bumps into Aoyama and Bakugo talking in the hall

Aoyama: r u ok monsieur midoriya?

midoriya: ....

bakugo: OI DEKU


and with that, he runs back to his room "I LIKE URARAKA!!"

Uraraka- she was sitting in her room staring out her window and watching deku train (stalker- JKJK) she started blushing after she remembered what Ashido said  about her crush on him "but I don't like deku...do I?" And that was the start of a very large crush

"Oh my gosh I do."


Kaminari- he found himself staring at her every time in class and consulted Tokoyami on it.

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