Naphtali Revealed

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The Naphtali Revealed

The battle for Athens is all but over. Around him, Arthur watches both armies struggling for composure as they retreat to their distinct sides. Both lines, offensive and defensive, are fractured, and even the sky battle above grinds slowly to a halt as the flagships recall their forces.

Arthur sprints across the battlefield, back toward the research facility. On the way, he notices Federation dropships hovering just above the ground, picking up their soldiers as Republic soldiers ignore open shots and retreat alongside him. The battle is over, he thinks at first, but looking up at the sky he realizes the truth. Nothing has ended. It is just relocating.

By the time he reaches the research facility, Siegfried has already left orbit. Reports confirm that the Federation forces have followed the unknown armor's dive signature. Arthur finds Galahad standing among his soldiers, listening to oral reports while reading those reports that are written. He assigns duties to those waiting commands and hurry to relay them to their own men.

A researcher approaches Galahad with a radio in hand. "Sir, we've hailed Agamemnon."

Galahad takes the radio. "Agamemnon, status."

"Damage is significant. The Yggdrasil Drive has been knocked off-line, and we're using reserve power to maintain the shields. We cannot make pursuit at this time. Repeat, we cannot pursue."

Galahad frowns. "Understood. Focus on the drive. We cannot lose this. Understood?"

"Aye, sir."

The research approaches again and whispers to Galahad.. "Sir, we have a message from Daedalus, channel 2-34."

Galahad nods curtly and adjusts the radio. "Daedalus, this is Galahad."

"Admiral, this is Captain LeGuin, commanding officer aboard Daedalus. We heard that the flagship is nursing some hurt, and we're seeking permission to pursue the Feds ourselves."

"What's your ship's make, captain?"

"Simple cruiser, holds four armors comfortably and six in a crunch. We've got a prototype with us, sir, the Mercury Armor. You saw it in the sky, I imagine."

"Indeed, I did. And you're fit for combat?"

"Fit for pursuit. Fit enough to slow them down for you, at least."

"That may be good enough. We'll get you supplied and refueled, captain. Have your armors dock with us for check-up and repairs while we can, and keep your drive warm until then. I'll be in touch."

"Aye, sir."

Arthur approaches as Galahad hands off the radio. He finds the old man leaning over a table and reviewing battle records, accounting for losses, damages, and assessing the strength of his remaining numbers against the skill of their eligible pilots. When Arthur stops at his side, Galahad barely grunts.


"Arthur. Good job throwing away one of our prototypes." Galahad moves some papers but makes no effort to meet Arthur's gaze.

"To be fair, I wasn't the only one playing with new toys out there."

"Yes, just the only one out there breaking them."

"Fine, say whatever you like. I did what you asked me to do, and I bought you time."

Galahad gives another grunt.

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