Codex 012: The One Battle War

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::: The One Battle War :::

Tensions between the Republic and Federation exploded into a full-scale military operation in what many came to call, "The One Battle War." After finding Guide ruins buried beneath a privately owned but military funded research facility on Canaan—a planet well within Republic space—Federation forces engaged Republic forces in the planet's atmosphere. The battle lasted only a few hours, but this short-lived engagement was enough to ignite fears that continued conflict was likely moving forward.

Republic representatives came forward afterward saying that the Guide ruins were privately held and funded by unknown backers. They blamed the private companies for their work and for their secrets and denied all responsibility for the battle, arguing that they were merely protecting Republic soil. The companies, in turn, began pointing fingers at each other.

The Federation refused Republic outcry and ignorance, arguing that the companies found on Canaan are frequent government collaborators or are owned and support by government representatives. Meanwhile, the Alliance have expressed that regardless of fault, the mistake was a beach of the Three-Party Accord and suggested that something be done by the Republic parliament to rectify the error. There is also a call for the immediate de-armament of the area and an opening of the planet to outside research.

Losses on both sides of the battle were minimal but important. Many are called for a release of names which could have led either to condemnation or mourning, but names never followed. They argued that anonymity is important to maintain in situations like this, while people on both sides demanded information.

Rumors that the battle began on Athens were found to be false, as were rumors of the existence of a living Guide found in the Canaan ruins. No news reports were able to corroborate such stories either way.

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