Codex 010: The Hardened Light Phenomena

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::: The Hardened Light Phenomenon :::

Speaking in a layman's terms, the hardened light phenomena is best described as the inverse or opposite of the assumed dark matter which makes up the universe. Where dark matter is an inobservable material which is implied to exist within the galaxy to explain its functioning, hardened light is a visible energy projection which appears in the form of a physical light. Dark matter is invisible to the eye and unable to interact with atomic particles, where hardened light is visible and audible, making a subtle hum, and can deflect or redirect incoming particles for a number of uses.

Hardened light generators were originally found in Guide ruins. Retrofitted for military use as shields and sometimes even weapons (such as the hardened light bayonets mounted on the arms of Gigas Armors, now popularly called Hardened Light Blades), it has recently seen been application in domestic and civilian use. Most popularly, hardened light bridges and canopies are used in richer parts of cities as a show of affluence more than anything else, while rich citizenry sometimes enjoy doorways or windows that might be activated by rain fall or moisture.

The earliest application in civilian life of hardened light were by deep space traders and shuttling services. It is important to remember as we discuss this the inherent dangers of space travel. Situations such as the well-known destruction of ships like Icarus are not as uncommon as they should be and hardened light shields can do a lot to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

Military production has seen the generators made smaller and lighter, though the Guide design is still far too complex for us to mimic perfectly. Solar batteries are popular, though often times quite large. There is one famous house found on Uruk which was built entirely of hardened light, though it is uninhabitable for the noise and the lack of rooms inside of it. Another famous tourist attraction is the Great Light Bridge of Rhea, which spans the width of the Remian Channel that splits the city.

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