A New World

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Ocean outside Wall Maria

A stunned silence controls the tower as everyone continues to stare outside the window, watching as snow falls from the heavens. Emotions fly across Vizeadmiral Dönitz's face, ranging from fear to alarm. "Captain Schaus," he says, trying to keep an even tone "Radio the other ships, tell them to have their crews at general quarters until further notice."

Captain Schaus salutes but also replies "But Vizeadmiral what if I can't raise anyone?"

Dönitz looks at him and says, "Then try until you get someone Captain."

Captain Schaus turns and makes his way through the throngs of men that are still gathered around the window over to the radio to contact the other ships.

Dönitz turns his head and says to the remaining bridge staff "All of you, man your places and prep two BF.109t's, we need to send them out and see where the hell we are!"

The men salute and hurry to their assigned stations, while one of the officers leaving the room to go rouse up a couple of pilots to get the planes ready.

Meanwhile with the U.S. fleet

The U.S. fleet is in the same situation. But unlike the Germans, they were closer to shore and could see trees. Giant trees as tall as the oldest redwoods, possibly even bigger.

They all stand there in a stupor, staring out the window at the trees in the distance, and the snow falling all around them. The captain is the first to snap out of it.

He turned to one of the bridge officers and said, "Go and get both Admiral Hale and LT. General Smith and tell them it is an emergency!"

"Yes Sir!" the officer responds. He runs out of the room to go get the Admiral and LT. General

The captain turns back to the window, with the only one thought running through his head.

Where the hell are we?

45 minutes later

When the officer comes back, he practically throws the door open. " Commanding officers on deck!" he shouts.

They turn and salute Smith and Hale's entrance.

They return the salute. Hale turns to the captain and asks, "Captain McNeil, what's the situation?"

"Well," McNeil starts, sitting down in a chair. "What do you remember from yesterday?"

"Hmm, well," Smith says, his brows furrowing in deep thought. "Hale here invited me to have a drink in his cabin, and we sat there and talked for a bit then..." He trails off. "Hale, do you remember anything?"

"No. No, I don't. Captain, is there any particular reason for this questioning?"

McNeil doesn't say anything, but instead turns and points out the window.

They both followed his arm to the window. They gasp as their eyes widen.

It was a few minutes before either of them could say anything.

"W-what" Hale stutters. "Snow b-but that's impossible! It's March, in the Caribbean..."

"I see now why you called us here," Smith manages to get out. He folds his arms over his chest and looks at the captain. "McNeil, have any of the other ships radioed in for orders?" His voice is stern.

"Of course, Sir, all of them have. I told them to have all the men at general quarters until otherwise ordered."

Smith nods his head slowly, staring back out the window.

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