The Death of a Comrade

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                                                        The Wall, Rostock


The clanging of steel on steel could be heard on the outer side and inner side of the wall as the butt of an MP-40 banged against the smaller gate.


Labored heavy breathing and steam came from the mouth of Stabsfeldwebel(Sergeant Major) Joseph Krämer as he continued to beat on the gate, trying to get anyone's attention.

"Stabsfeldwebel, it's coming" a soldier yelled out in horror.

As the soldier said that, loud and heavy footsteps could be heard coming from the snowy forest two hundred meters behind them.

His eyebrows shot up like a rocket into his hairline and his frosty blue eyes widened in fear, he turned around looking back at the forest. He could see trees shaking and could feel with each tremor that it was getting closer. He and his remaining men huddled around their motorcycles as a makeshift barricade.

"Get ready men," he yelled "Soldat(Soldier)" he yelled at one of the men by the only motorcycle with a sidecar. "Get that damn MG ready."

The soldier nodded in confirmation and moved to set the machine gun up. Krämer's eyes turned back to the forest just as the creature bursted from the foliage like an explosion.

"OPEN FIRE" he yelled and they let loose on it.

                                                                    Three hours ago

The beach was quiet as the numerous small boats made their way onto the snow-covered beach. Splashing water could be heard as a couple of the men dressed in sailor garb with heavy winter coats jumped into the crystal blue water to help the boats ashore. Which was difficult for a few of them that were loaded down with motorcycles, as the boats hit the snow-covered beach the sailors went to work unloading the motorcycles.

The soldiers in the other boats jumped out into the shallow ankle deep water and walked ashore in their gray heavy wool coats, standing out among the sailors in dark blue wool coats .

"Herr Stabsfeldwebel" a sailor called.

Krämer, a man in his early thirties with his dark chocolate brown hair covered by his Stahlhelm turned.

"Yes" he said, his voice slightly muffled from the scarf around his lower face and neck.

"The motorcycles have been unloaded. We are returning to the fleet, radio for pickup when you are ready. Godspeed sir."

With that the sailor saluted and made his way back to the boats. Krämer watched as the boats pulled away with a roar, speeding back toward the fleet in the distance.

"All right men." Krämer called "Gather around."

His squad gathered around weapons in their arms. The first member of his squad was his Obergefreiter (Senior Lance Corporal) Mark Finkel. He was in his late twenties, in his arms was an MP-40 submachine gun. Next was Obersoldat(Senior soldier) and radioman Isaak Westheimer, he was in his mid-twenties and was armed with a K-98k rifle, the man in the middle was Soldat Sebastian Meyr he had just turned twenty one a month ago in his arms was also an MP-40. The man or rather boy by his look beside of Meyr was Soldat Peter Schleibaum he was eighteen he had been given command of the MG-34, and the last member of the group was also eighteen he was Soldat Armin Haberlin and he also had a K-98k rifle.

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