[yeonjun] • nightmares

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Shaking in panic, sweating, crying.

That was the epitome of your person.

Yeonjun was lying beside you and tried to wake him up but he won't wake up no matter how hard you tried to shake him awake.

"WAKE UP!" You yelled out in panic. Some tears crept from your eyes.

"PLEASE, WAKE UP!" You cried even louder, but as you held his hand you felt the coldness that pushed any warmth away.

"Wake up... please, I'm begging you." You looked at Yeonjun and spoke in a weak manner.

"Wake up!"


"Wake up!"

"Y/n, wake up!" A voice said out loud. "Y/n!" As he called your name, you realized who was talking to you.

You suddenly opened your eyes as you shot up from bed. You were in such a panic that when you awoke from your nightmare, your head collided with Yeonjun's shoulder.

You could tell that he was visibly hurt, but all he said was a small, "Ouch."

He then looked at you with a comforting smile.

"Are you okay?" He gently asked.

At that moment, you were still passively panicking. You looked at Yeonjun, studying his gaze towards you as you questioned and realized that he was truly in front of you.

You burst into tears and you pulled Yeonjun into an embrace. It was so tight and you didn't want to let him go.

You cried on his shoulders for a long while, and he sat there in silence, just allowing you to release your emotions and feel better as he was holding you close.

"I thought I had lost you." You spoke to him in a muffled voice as your face was still buried close to his shoulder.

"I-I was so scared." You spoke once more.

He looked at you as you cried. You were visibly shaking and he was worried about you.

Gently, he pulled away from the embrace and held your face. He gleamed at you like a comforting ray of sun and wiped your tears away.


"I'll always be here with you. And if I'm not here physically, I'll still be with you. I'm confident about that." He said to you.

He then took your hand and placed it on your chest.

"No matter where I am, I know we'll always be together because I'm always in your heart." He explained to you.

That was perhaps the cheesiest thing you've ever heard, but it helped.

You smiled as your heart felt a slight pinch from the words he uttered.

"Ya, what was that?" You asked him with a breaking voice.

His eyes traveled elsewhere as he thought about the words that he spoke.

"When I think about it, that was quite cheesy, huh?" He asked, then he looked back at you and smiled.

"But hey, at least I was able to make you smile." He then said.

You couldn't help but return his joyful grin. He always knew how to make you happy.

"Anyway, you have a busy day tomorrow. You should really rest." He then said.

You nodded your head, as you were also quite exhausted from the day you went through.

"I'll be here until you fall asleep. Don't worry, I won't leave you." He said.

Those were rather comforting for you to hear, and so you listened to him as he told you to sleep.

You laid back in bed and breathed deeply to release any lingering anxiety.

He then covered you in your blanket and sat on the chair next to your bed. He held your hand and caressed it until you fell asleep.

When he started to hear you snore, he couldn't help but chuckle as silently as he could.

Though he said that he would only stay until you fell asleep, he stayed with you through the whole night. He held your hand, and slowly, he too fell asleep.

You couldn't explain what you were feeling, but there is a type of comfort that Yeonjun gave you. He was the sunshine that made your life a brighter place, and he was also the winter coat that warmed you up whenever it snows.

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