[huening kai] • sweater weather

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a/n: this is going to be a short one

Three years into a relationship with Kai and everyday is still full of wonders. You continue to discover little things about each other that make your relationship sweeter as they help you get to know each other better.

Everyday, Huening is enamored by your presence, even the smallest thing you do captures his attention as though nothing else goes on in the world.

You could be reading a book or attending a meeting and his eyes would just be focused on you.

However, today, his heart skipped a beat yet again. He had just came from a schedule and you had just gotten out of a meeting. Upon seeing you, his eyes were completely melted and encapsulated. He looked completely endeared by you.

Upon seeing his figure near the door, you observed his bright eyes. "Hi, how was your day?" You asked him with no idea about he was feeling as he looked at you. He just smiled brightly, "It was great but it just keeps getting better." He replied.

"Oooh, care to share?" You asked out of interest. He then sat next to you and gave you a warm embrace. "You look really cute in my sweater." He said to you as he still had his arms wrapped around you.

You smiled to yourself, in a way, when you wore his sweater you knew he'd react like this somehow.

"Of course, I do." You proudly uttered.

His embrace then tightened and everything went warm. It's always really nice to be within his presence. It felt safe and comforting.

"You know, I'm like my sweater." He suddenly spoke out in the midst of a serene moment.

"Hmm?" You uttered.

"I'm a perfect fit for you." He continued and laughed softly. Of course, as you were taken aback, you laughed a little too. You had fallen for his little slyness but it was something you cherished.

You hit him softly with a pillow. "I should have known you were going to say that." You said to him, then you burst into laughter.

Upon the coming of silence, you spoke. "Well, it's not like I disagree." You the burried yourself under the pillow as Huening smiled warmly and pulled you in tighter.

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