[yeonjun] • drunk (2)

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Whenever I'm alone, I talk to you in my thoughts.


Pain tolerance. It differs with every person, and commonly it is attributed to physical pain.

However, you always knew that pain tolerance exists well in the emotions you feel. You were great at taking painful ordeals. You prided yourself on the fact that you had a high pain tolerance both physically and emotionally.

But for some reason, it takes one person for you to end up crippling in something other people may consider a painless interaction.

"Y/n, I like you." No words have ever bothered you as much as those four words.

You've been in love with Yeonjun for so long and hearing those words felt like a dream come true.

But he was drunk, and as he fell asleep, the only words you could utter were, "I wish you were sober, Yeonjun."

After that night, you were deep in your headspace. You thought about his words for so long, wishing for them to be genuine.

With such a long time of thinking about it, you realized more and more how deep your feelings were for Yeonjun. And frankly, you even thought about how it was reaching a feat that you might not be able to control very well.

So as a solution, you distanced yourself. You ignored his requests to meet up, saying that you were busy.

But every time you'd decline his calls, all you could think about was what he said that night.

It just kept repeating inside your head longing for a space of answers.

You tried thinking about everything else, but nothing worked. You couldn't work. You couldn't even get drunk because the second you see a bottle of soju all you could think about is if his words saying that he liked you held any weight and meaning to him.

You wanted it to, and you wanted so badly to ask him, but you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. In your head, he might not even remember saying anything.

Yet again, you did what you were good at, tolerating pain while also ignoring the itching curiosities that you had.

This went on for a whole week, and Yeonjun kept texting you but you only replied passively.


One night, you were resting in your apartment and you got a text from Soobin.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry for messaging you at this time, but can you go to Yeonjun? He's drunk again and we're not in Seoul right now."

That simple text made you worry. Knowing that Yeonjun was alone, drunk, and vulnerable made you so nervous that you rushed out of your apartment immediately making your way to where Soobin said Yeonjun was.

When you got there, you immediately looked for him.

When you couldn't find him on one floor, you ran swiftly to the next, until you got to the rooftop.

You were so tired from running around seamlessly.

"Thank god, you're alright." Those were the words that came out of your mouth as you saw Yeonjun's figure.

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