🌸 Mistake 🌸

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Kunti was lost in her thoughts as she was unable to digest what actually happened to her. She was mixed about her feelings. She was unable to digest the fact that if she had have really got the boon!

A whirlpool of thoughts , questions and unsure feelings surrounded her.

'Is the boon real?'

'Does it really works?'

'Does these things really exits'

'Can I really become a mother with a mere spell?'

'What should be it's consequences?'

'Why Maharishi Provided me this boon?'

'Does Devs really come from this spell?'

'Should I test?.. No no, let the right time come.'

These all are the thoughts which surrounded the little teenager, who was unable to digest the fact that she has actually got the boon which will change her whole life and will led to a big rise in the future, may be led to the rise of the beginning, in simple words the battle of the Dwapara Yuga, the fight against evil , the battle of 'Mahabharata'.

She was continuously roaming here and there in her chamber. Thinking about her future. The poor girl was lost in her thoughts until she heard a voice.

"Rajkumari!! Rajkumari.. Rajku--"
Her maid Priyamvada called.

"Rajkumari, haven't you sleep yet?" Asked Priyamvada.

"No Priyamvada. I am unable to sleep." Told the restless princess.

"But why? What's bothering you? Everything is perfect here in the room . Even the fragrance of flowers which you love to smell is also here. Then what's bothering you?"
Asked her worried maid.

"Priyamvada actually.." Nervousness overpowering the princess of Kunti Bhoj.

"Yes Rajkumari tell me." Exclaimed her maid!

"Woh Actually Priyamvada.."

"Actually the diyas are not giving sufficient light. So I was unable to sleep. I want today more diyas to lamp in my room because today is Amavasya na that's why. So I was feeling little scared!"
Lied Kunti.

"Oh so that's the matter. No problem! I'll arrange more.
What was the need of getting much nervous!"
Chuckled Priyamvada..

"Nothing just! Please arrange fast. I am feeling sleepy."
Exclaimed Kunti

"Okay! You go for your sleep , I am just arranging in few minutes."

"Daasiyon, arrange more diyas for the princess Kunti. It's my order!" Ordered Priyamvada!

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