🌸 Another Phase to Begin🌸

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"He survived from the devastating flow of river Ganga! He holds the strongest Kavach and Kundala! He is the one who broke my penance and he is the one who is named infront of your idol! He's no more a normal born! He's divine! A divinity and the game changer is again born on this sacred bhoomi (Earth) once again! He will change the Destiny of Aryavart!" Parshuram told in one breathe with his joy!

"I will educate him and give him all the knowledge of Shastra and Astra ! I'll myself train him in all the weapons and arts! I'll make him the best Dhanurdhar in the entire Triloka ever born! Bless me in my journey with him Mahadev ! Ohh Lord of Triloka.. Bless me!!" Parshuram seeked blessing from his Mahadev and smiled at the sleeping figure of Mrityunjaya!

He went out from the Aashram and started shaping his old weapons with a new rage in his eyes!



Days passed and they both were doing their daily chores unaware of the fact that what the destiny had planned for both of them.....

Now, The scene shifted to the chamber of a Rajkumari.

A young lady nearly at her 22 years of age was seating perfectly in front of mirror. Few of her handmaids were dressing and fixing her jewelleries and few of them were braiding her hairs. Some of them were fixing her dupatta and dress perfectly. It can be observed that the young lady has been dressing for a special occasion.

Yes, you all guessed right. It was the Swayamvar of one and only princess of Kunti Bhoj 'Pritha'. Her father had arranged a great grand Swayamvar for her dear daughter.

Kunti was not looking as much excited as a normal princess should look on her Swayamvar. The excitement on her beautiful face was hardly visible! The past sin might be haunting her! She's unstable between all these years but still managed to hide her emotions.

"Forget about her Pritha" Priyamvada secretly said to her in her ears.

"How will I ??" This is what she managed to say at that time.

"How can I ever forget about him. My first child and that too I abandoned him . " She thought in her mind.

"You have to.." Stated Priyamvada.

"But--" Kunti was about to say something but interrupted by a maid.

"We need to work fast Priyamvada. Stop talking much to princess otherwise we'll be late for the puja." Stated on of the maid while braiding her hairs.

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