Girlfriend??- Kaden

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*Hailey, Kaden, Blake, Damon, and Luciano are chilling in the living room, all on the phones/reading ect*

1st person- Hailey Pov

I'm lying on Damons chest scrolling through insta, while he balances the book he's reading on my head, when my eyes start getting sore so i look away from my screen and see Kaden smiling at his phone. 

I shrug it off but when i look again 10 minutes later he is still smiling!

"Kade?" (nickname) I ask

"Hmm..whats up?" he says slowly looking up from his phone.

"Why are you smiling at your phone so much?"

Kaden immediately blushes, and everyone else looks up. I jump up and run towards him.

"Kade lemme see your phone!"

"No!!" he shouts and gets off the couch and starts running.

I chase after him, and we start tackling each other to get his phone. Blake laughs and comes to help me.

"Give it Kaden!!!"

"No!! Fuck Off!" He says trying to push Blake off of him.

"Alright leave your brother alone!" Luciano shouts.

"but-" I start

"No" Luciano says sternly

I give Luciano my best grumpy face but he just chuckles.

"its just not fairrrrr!" I whine

"Whats not fair princessa?" Luciano asks

"Kadens keeping secrets!!!" 

"Everyone is allowed secrets Hailey"

"Bullsh-" Luciano raises his eyebrow at me "Bullsuger!"

Damon and Blake start laughing and I glare at them, which just seems to make them laugh even more.

I pretend to give up and walk back to my spot next to Damon, but instead snatch Kadens phone as fast as I can and take off running!

"HAILEY!" Kaden screams and starts running after me. 

I quickly open his phone and it opens on his messages with a girl named Katie. I scroll through the chat while running and pushing Kaden away. All I can see is lots of hearts and flirty emojis. Kaden finally pushes me to the ground and grabs his phone.

"Who's Katie!?!?!?" I giggle

"No one! you brat!"

"Kaden has a crush! Kaden has a crush!"

"No i do not you idiot!"

"Yeah you do! you were sending her hearts and kissy faces!"

"Shut up you-"

"STOP!" Luciano booms, and Kaden and I quickly get up.

"Kaden stop calling your sister names, and Hailey, respect your brothers privacy for gods sake!" Luciano shakes his head.

We both mumble apologies to each other and go back to where we were sitting.

"Okay, but seriously though Kaden, who is she?" Damon asks

"Yeah I wanna know if my boy Kaden is finally getting some pu-" Blake stops his sentence after earning a sharp glare from Luciano.

"I just met her at school- its nothing- well its something- we went on a date" Kaden blushes.

"OOooooo" I tease and Kaden throws a pillow at me, but Damon catches it before it can hit me. 

"Kaden and Katie sitting in a tree- K-I-S-"

"Hailey!" Luciano shakes his head in disappointment and I giggle.

"What!?! I'm just singing a song!"

"Don't tease your brother!"

"Okay I wont tease my love infected brother"

"I swear to god Hailey just let it go, Kaden can talk to who ever he wants to"


"So when you two get married does that mean i finally get a sister?"



hope you enjoyed! 

Please give me suggestions, ideas ect!

also which brother you want me to write about next!

Love yall!

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