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1st Person (Hailey)

"And therefore y=x + 8" Mrs Callens, my math teacher droned on about polynomials or something.  

Hear me out, normally i'm pretty good at school. I pay attention and get good grades, but today I just felt off. I was constantly getting distracted and I don't know why. 

As my eyelids fluttered, I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"Dozing off there missy" Cody, one of my friends, says chuckling.

"I'm so bored dude"

"Yeah I can tell"

"and we still have 3 lessons after this!" I groan

"well..we could just not go"

"what do you mean? you wanna skip class?"

"Yeah! I mean come on, you're obviously not listening anyway"

"but we'd get into so much trouble, and you know what my brothers are like cody"

"Its one time, they'll forgive"

"I'm not so sure about that" I say, thinking about Luciano and Darius' reactions if I were too skip.

"Come on Hailey! It'll be fun!"

"Ugh..idk" I consider the pros and cons.

"...Fuck it" I say, just as the bell rings.

"Hell yeah!"Cody celebrates as we walk out of class.

We start walking towards the main entrance, trying to dodge any teachers and hall monitors as we go.

We finally make it outside and we high five in celebration. We sprint to Cody's car and immediately speed of.

"Thank god" I sigh leaning back the passenger seat.

"So, where too?" Cody asks

"anywhere but school!"

"The mall?"

"Yeah sure why not"

Being in the crowded mall felt so much better then being in school. First, we walked into this huge candy shop and we went ham on sweets.

"Noah look at all these lollipops!" I say pointing to a tower of rainbows lollipops. 

Cody picks on out and gives it me me, "For you, fair lady"

"Why thank you, good sir" I say, and giggle.

We pick out some more candy before heading to pay. 

"Hey hey hey, skipping was my idea, I'll pay" Cody says pushing my hand away from my wallet.

I roll my eyes at him, but let him pay, knowing I wasn't going to win this argument.

We end up walking around the mall for another hour or so. My feet got sore after a while so we found a place to sit in the food court, and I take out my phone.

*Six missed calls from Hades*

*3 missed calls from Blake*

*20 new messages from Luciano*

*2 missed calls from Liam*

*5 new messages from Damon*

"Fuck Fuck Fuck!" I gasp, almost chocking on my milkshake

"What?" Cody asks

"My brothers, they know"

"Oh shit"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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