Play Fight gone wrong- Hades

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1st POV- Hailey

I was texting my friends on my bed, when Hades walked in and jumped onto my bed.

"Hey buddy" He said with a suspicious smile. 

"What do you want" I asked

"Nothing, I just wanna hang out with my favorite sister" 


"So- whatcha doing?"

"Hades I know you're up to something"

"What!? Of course not!"



"Cut the crap dude!"

"Don't swear! I'll tell!"

"I didn't even swear"

"uh yeah, you did"

"Shut up"

"There you go again, you've got such a foul mouth Hailey"

"I will slap you!"

"Nah I'll slap you first" And he wacked my the top of my head.

"How dare you!" I grab his side and start to tickles him.

He pushes me off him and throws me over his shoulder and back onto the bed.

"No- no- please" I beg before he starts to tickle me.

"Hades- please-no-" Hades just laughs and carries on.

I try and push him off me but he is stronger than me. I start to squirm to try and escape his grasp but instead end up knocking my head on my bedside table.

Hades immediately stops tickling me.

"Oh my gosh Hailey! Are you okay!?"

Tears well up in my eyes as I start to cry from the pain.

"Oh gosh no, don't cry"  Hades quickly pulls me into a tight hug.

"Shhh you're okay, lemme see" Hades rubs his hand over the lump that is forming on my head and I flinch.

"I'm so sorry hunny, i didn't mean to"

I just sob into his chest. It was really painful. 

"What the hell is going on?" Xander appears at my doorway.

"She hit her head- it was my fault- but it was an accident!" Hades explains, still holding on to me.

"I swear to fucking god Hades!"

"I-" Hades gets interrupted by Liam who walks in behind Xander.

"Whats happening?" Liam asks, looking at me concerned.

"Hades was being an idiot and Hailey hit her head" Xander growls

"It was an accident!" Hades snaps back.

"Stop arguing like 6 year olds! Haileys in pain, focus on that!" Liam says and sits down next to me, and takes me out of Hades arms.

"Oh gosh Hailey you've got quite a bump here" Liam says, looking at my head.

"Thanks" I sniffle

Liam chuckles and Xander crouches down in front of me.

"It doesn't look too serious, lets just get you an ice pack okay?" Xander says tucking strands of hair behind my ear. 

I nod and look over to Hades who look extremely guilty and upset. 

"I'm really sorry Hailey" 

"Its okay" I lean over and give him a hug.

"Okay, lets go get that ice pack then" 


Hope you enjoyed this! 

Please give me ideas! Please please please! 

I can also do Preferences if you guys want- or like "how the brothers would react to...."

Please just comment and let me know!

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