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I hear the voice behind me causing me to jump

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I hear the voice behind me causing me to jump

"You piece of shit! You scared me"

"Bels everything okay?" Eve says through the phone

"Talk to you later babes gotta go" I say and hang up tucking the phone behind my pocket completely forgetting that I don't have a pocket and my phone falls onto the ground.

"Shit" I mumble

Ares looks at me and grins

Did he just show emotion?

"Glad me embarrassing myself amuses you" I glare at him

"Are you going to pick it up?" He questions

"Pick what up?" I say trying to forget that I just completely dropped my phone on the floor

He walks up to me and bends down to grab my phone. Once he stands back up he remains eye contact with me and extends his hand out handing me my phone. We were inches away from each other. I didn't realize he was so tall until he was standing right in front of me. I look up at him and snatch the phone from his hand.

"Thanks" I simply say as I back up bumping into the fridge "fuck"

"You really need to watch where your going"

I simply just stare at Ares. My mind is blank-no it's not your just to mesmerized by the hottie that is right in front of you


1. Angry Shadow hunter is kidnapping me-at least you're not dead
2. I am completely jealous of his eyes-seriously? They look like grass
3. I don't have my sleeping pills- you dumb ass how could you forget

Yeah so I have Insomnia, causes me not to sleep.

4. Ares is a pain in the ass not to mention a jerk-at least he's a hot jerk
5. I don't have my journal to write down my emotions.
6. Don't have my laptop
7. I reallllllyyy feel like talking-when don't you?
8. I'm very hungry-same. That's why we're in the kitchen
9. I am being hunted by these shadow hunter people- don't forget your also part shadow hunter dumb ass
10. Ares is going to kill me in my slee-OMG SHUT UP

I don't have anything else at the moment since that's all I can think of at the moment.

Didn't you say your mind was 'blank'


"ISABELLA DAVIS" Ares shouts trying to snap my attention back into reality


"Like I've been trying to ask you for the past 2 and a half minutes. Why are you down here so late?"

"I'm hungry"

He glares "your fucking weird"

'Says the one that is going to kill me in my sleep' you dumb ass you didn-

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