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I really thought I could get away from training for at least this week

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I really thought I could get away from training for at least this week. But clearly that was not the case because Ares has me training in the damn gym away from other the other people.

He told me that we were supposed to be lifting weights to see how much I could lift since I was quote on quote sTrOng. Honestly, just because I'm a vampire along with everything else does not mean I am strong! I am a very weak person if I say so myself.

Most of the people in the gym had their headphones in and were inside of their own world, oblivious to what was going on in all of the surrounding areas. The majority of the conversations that were going on were most often strictly gym based questions.

I heard a few questions that were not just gym based but for the most part I was hearing questions about the weight amounts people should use, or questions of people asking another person to put more weight onto their machines and such things.

One specific conversation I heard was two guys talking about the pre-workout and post-workout they drink, the guys were discussing their favorites and why they were their favorites.

My favorite part of the conversation was at the end when they both said that the girl near the weights was good looking. It's funny because when I heard that I looked around to see who they were talking about but saw no one.

Because it was you dumb ass

Ohhh. That makes sense

"Let's go Davis, get behind those bars" Ares shouts over the loud music that was playing in the gym

"Ares I cannot pick that up" I whine

I don't think Ares heard the guys, but what they said wasn't really a big deal of a deal.

Babes if Ares likes you then it is very much a HUGE deal

Well sucks for you then because he doesn't

Quit lying to yourself. You guys almost kissed


"I'm going to start you off with two sets of five pounds okay?"

"That's ten pounds in total that is a lot. I struggle trying to pick up a damn case of water." I glare at him

"Oh come on. Just lay the fuck down and let's see. I'll be right behind you the entire time"


I lay my body down on the weights and this is when it started to scare me. Getting really nervous. I feel like I'm going to embarrass myself. What's the heaviest a guy can weigh? What if I can't even lift these five pounds

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