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Here's a short and cute story.

Do Enjoy!

-Avneet's pov-

I looked outside the car window, as my eyes landed on my new home. My father stopped the car as we all got out of it.

"It's so big!" I squealed. My mom and dad smiled looking at me. We're finally shifting. I used to live in Canada but because of my dad's work, we had to shift our home to here in India. Unlike other people who would cry when they're leaving their hometown, I was actually happy. I always wanted to live here.

I helped my dad in taking out our luggage from the car. After finally coming inside the house, my mom started cleaning it and now I had to help her.

"Mom! I'm tired!" I sighed as I plopped on the couch, I was extremely exhausted. "Take a shower Avneet, and then get some sleep!" My mom said. I nodded.

I walked upstairs which had a cozy pink coloured room. I'll take this one as mine! I smiled as I started unpacking my stuff, taking out a nice comfy outfit to wear, I finally took a shower. After I was done, I walked out and saw my mom sleeping in the master bedroom.

I wasn't ready to sleep, I wanted to go out and walk around and observe things and get settled in the new environment. I took a sticky note and wrote 'Mom I'm going out for a walk' and kept it beside my mom.

I went outside the house and started walking on the pedestrian, my eyes were sparkling seeing the new city, the air was fresh and was making me feel calm.

I saw some kids playing in a park. My feets stopped on their own. Upon walking inside the park I sat down on a bench and started observing the game that the kids were playing.

Until I felt someone sitting right next to me. I drifted my head towards my side and saw a guy around my age, His hairs were black, skin was pale white and was looking kinda odd. He wore a hoodie with the hood on. Our eyes met.

"Never saw you before!" He spoke. His voice sounded deep but weak. His lips were pale dry. "Yeah, I just shifted today!" I said with a smile. He nodded.

"Do you come here often?" I asked. "Always." he said. I nodded. I shifted my gaze to the kids again, until my eyes begged me to see this guy once again. As I turned my head and almost got startled. Because he was gone. I almost got shocked, I looked around and saw him nowhere near the park. My mouth formed a frown on its own. As if I wanted to talk to him more, Wanted to know about him.

I sighed as I stood up and started going back home, when Suddenly my eyes found him again. In the middle of the busy road, he seemed to go somewhere. I decided to follow him, he crossed the road and vanished for a few seconds until I saw him again walking in a hurry. I saw him entering a hospital, that's where I stopped in my tracks.

"It must be someone close to him who's in the hospital?" I thought. I should just go back, before I get lost here. Without Thinking much, I reached back home.

A delicious smell of homemade spaghetti filled my nose. "I'm hungry!" I announced before I took my shoes off and went towards the kitchen. "How do you feel?" My mom asked. "It was amazing! I saw some kids playing in the park" I said. My mind wandered to that guy again. Who was he?

It was midnight, I heard my dad's voice. He's back home! I smiled upon the thought. I ran downstairs as I hugged my dad. "I brought you dark chocolate, don't tell mom!" He whispered passing a pack of dark chocolate, I giggled. He still thinks I'm a kid. Well, I am actually a kid for him.

After talking to dad for a while, I rushed back to sleep since I was tired from traveling.

-Next morning -

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