The History of Choclate

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Sooooo lets talk about one of my favorite things:3,Chocalate.

A long time ago, about Fifty Three Hundred Years ago, is when the first Piece of Choclate was discoverd. And the discovery was made by Archaeologists, because they found the earliest traces of cacao in pottery used by a anciant culture called Mayo-Chinchipe.

After Years of finding the ingriediants to Choclate It was finally made. There was no direct person to try the First ever made chocalate but a  Civilization, called The Olmec. And they were the first Civilzation to turn a Cacao into choclate, but they drank their choclate and used  it for Ritrulas, and Medicine, but later the Mayans praised it as a drink of the gods.

But Then came 1847, J.S Fry & Sons of Bristol, in England. They made the first Solid choclate. Whitch was wrapped in silver, and was very expensive because of how long it took for them to make it.

And for years to this Day Hershy's has been here along with dark choclate, light choclate have came a long way.

and we wait until Choclate Evolves.


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