Chapter Two

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Henwy watched his courtyard. From the top of his castle, he was able to see past his gates and the rest of the deadly camp. Nature was dying and preparing for the frozen winter and snow.

The last time this world had gone through this transformation while Henwy was here, he was decorating his castle. He had used his illusionist powers to plan out his home's decor. His castle was decorated with plastic snowflakes and bright lights.

Henwy had projected a giant tree in the center of the camp until they found a real tree. That tree was long dead.

Henwy shivered and brought his feathered wings closer. He adjusted the red scarf around his neck. It was striped with a darker shade of red. He had found it at the bottom of a chest in his attic. A memory struck him, reminding him of the origins of this scarf.

It was the night before Christmas. It was snowing, adding to the blanket of bright white. Henwy half walked, half flew to Ian's home. He had invited everyone to play some Christmas games and just have a good time.

A normal Christmas party.

Henwy knocked on Ian's door. Ian opened it and smiled at him. The warmth from inside was so inviting, along with the orange glow from the crackling fire.

"Henwy! You made it," Ian joked, "You are so late, I thought you froze in the snow."

Henwy snickered at the terrible joke and invited himself inside.

Sigils and Biffle were lounging on the couch. Sigils was in his enderman form. Henwy no longer worried about his long claws, or his bright, sharp teeth.

Jerome appeared from a separate room, carrying a plate of cookies. The admins were on a separate couch and leaned towards the ovular table in the center of the room where Jerome put the Santa-shapped cookies and gingerbread men.

Henwy took off his beanie and brushed away the fresh snow before hanging it and his coat on the coatrack. He unlaced his grey winter boots and set them by the door.

He plopped down on the couch and fiercely hugged Sigils. The enderman yelped angrily and tried so wriggle away from him.

Ian clapped his hands and the group turned to him.

"So! White Elephant?" Ian asked.

Everyone had brought gifts and they set them in the center. There was lots of laughter and drinking (of apple cider and hot chocolate, obviously). The group constantly got sidetracked and talked about other topics completely unrelated to the game.

By the end, Henwy was drowsy. He had earned a beautiful silk scarf that he later found out was knitted by Ian.

Henwy's hand shot up and grasped the scarf around his neck.

He shook, ever so slightly. It could have been from the cold wind that blew through the valley.

Henwy blinked away tears before they could freeze to his face. He spotted a furry figure cross into his courtyard. Jerome.

"Hey, Hen!" Jerome waved to him. Jerome didn't have natural wings like Henwy and Sigils, or the power to fly like the admins, so instead he had mechanical ones that Sigils had built for him.

It worked a bit more like a jet pack, but Jerome still loved it.

The bear-hybrid flew up to join Henwy on the balcony.

"It's such a beautiful day today!" Jerome exclaimed happily, "No, do not give me that look. I know what you were thinking about, so that's why I think we should do another Christmas party! Who would pass up that chance? We could do another White Elephant game!"

Henwy didn't respond. Jerome saw his thoughts. He was a mind reader, after all. Henwy didn't need to talk.

Jerome sighed and cupped Henwy's hands in his giant, bear paws, "Look, I know it won't work, but we can still try, right? Maybe we could get Biffle and Sigils to join us! Or the admins?"

Henwy stared at the ground.

It won't be the same. It will be so much worse. None of us can have fun.

Jerome's face fell and his ears flattened. He pulled Henwy to his chest and wrapped his arms around him. Jerome's right arm wrapped under Henwy's left wing and the hybrid's right arm tucked into the curve of Henwy's neck.

Henwy was greeted with a face full of soft, brown fur that smelled of sugar and apples. Jerome's soft chin rested on Henwy's head.

Henwy felt the tears slip and soak into the fur on Jerome's neck. Henwy was just barely too short to look over Jerome's shoulders without pushing to stand on his toes. Or maybe Jerome was just too tall.

Henwy wrapped his arms and wings around his friend. Jerome rocked gently and swayed to the wind.

Henwy took a deep breath. Biffle and Sigils slipped into his mind. He hardly remembered when they were this close.

"I know you know that I know that Biffle and Sigils deeply care for each other. You- you shouldn't worry about them," Jerome choked out, "Okay, I won't lie, they have had issues lately, but I want you to know that I'll never, EVER, betray you."

"I won't either," Henwy mumbled, "Never, EVER."

Jerome stifled a small laugh.

"I love you, Hen," Jerome whispered, "Like a friend."

"I love you too, Jerome," Henwy responded with a small smile, wiping his face dry, "Also like a friend."

Jerome pulled back and firmly planted his paws on Henwy's shoulder, "Remember, you are the awesomest." Jerome moved his soft paws to cup Henwy's cheeks. He wiped a tear trail away from Henwy's face with a thumb.

"No matter what Biffle, or Sigils, or the admins, or Ian says. You are the awesomest ever."

Word count: 957

A/N: Holy cow, this is a super long chapter. I got so carried away with this hhhhh I'm going to hate myself later for thiiiiiis.

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