Chapter Twenty One

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TW: Blood, death, dead bodies

It was all over him, trying to choke him and sink into his skin.

The blood of his friends was all over him. Dark, ruby-red blood.

Biffle and Jerome had both screamed for an agonizingly long time. Then they died, their voices dying with them.

Nico stared at their hanging bodies. The second the tentacles shot through them, the purple beasts froze. Blood dripped down the sides of it, creating a sickly beautiful color, an ombré of red and violet pink.

There was a gentle drip, drip, drip as the blood fell onto the steadily growing pile beneath the murder scene.

At some point, Henwy brushed to his side. Henwy wrapped his arms and wings around Nico and murmured comforts to him.

Nico trembled and for once since he had died, he cried. It wasn't for long, maybe three minutes.

Biffle and Jerome had died, and for what? Because Nico was mad. He had some little kid's anger and he took it out on his friends who misunderstood someone.

"What...what happened?" Nico asked.

"Ian made a split," Henwy gestured towards a crack in the ground. It was glowing with a hideous magenta light. Tentacles crept from it.

"What are we doing then? We need to seal it!" Nico pushed Henwy away and sprinted towards Sigils and Ian who were both yelling, panicked.

"How are we supposed to close this?" Sigils shouted.

Ian's eyes quickly searched the gash in the earth. The tentacle armor had been ripped from him as well and laid, discarded, on the ground.

The ground shook and a large, black claw stretched out of the ground.

Nico, Sigils, and Henwy, scrambled away as another hand shot out and gripped the earth. But Ian stayed still.

"Ian!" Nico shouted.

"I know what I can do."

"What?" Henwy exclaimed, wings stretched wide.

"I'm going to send you away. To a different world where you can be safe," Ian balled his hands into fists as a giant snakelike head appeared out of the split. It hissed and narrowed its eyes at Ian.

"Ian!" Sigils shouted.

Ian raised his hand and the monster roared.

There was a flash of white and Nico was gone.

Word Count: 365

A/N: The end.

Emotions; Insane Craft AUWhere stories live. Discover now