The Interview

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Martha May stood in front of one of the biggest skyscrapers in all of Who York City; it was the headquarters for Who Runway Magazine, the most successful and well-known fashion magazine in all of the Land of Seuss. She was holding a folder with a résumé, references, and a few other things and wearing her best dress shirt, pants, jacket, and shoes. She looked ready for this job interview, but she didn't feel ready. Taking one last look at her résumé, she closed her folder, took a deep breath, and stepped into the building.

The moment she reached the right floor, Martha stood in front of a desk and asked the man behind it, "Hi. I have an appointment with... Heather Whomont?"

"Martha May Whovier?" A woman with blond hair and sea foam green eyes said as she entered the room; she was wearing a blue mini vest with a yellow long sleeve shirt underneath, a pair of blue jeans, and yellow heeled shoes, and she was holding a clipboard and a cell phone.

"Yes, that's me." Martha said.

"Good. Hmmm, not bad. Not bad at all. Follow me."

Martha followed the woman, dubbed Heather, past the desk and down the hall while Heather was speaking.

"Okay, I was Johanna's second assistant, but the first assistant recently got promoted so now, I'm the first." She said

"And you're replacing yourself?" Martha joked.

"I'm trying. Johanna sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks. We need someone who can survive working in a place like this, do you understand?"

"Yes, of course... And who's Johanna?"

Heather paused and looked at Martha with wide eyes. "You don't know who Johanna Starling is?" Martha shook her head; Heather sighed. "She's the editor in chief of Who Runway, not to mention a legend. You work here for a year and you can get a job at any magazine you want; a million girls would kill for this job. I promise you, this is the opportunity of a lifetime."

"Wow. It... sounds like a great opportunity. I'd love to be considered."

Heather laughed as she and Martha stepped into a room with two desks across from one another. There was a doorway leading to an office in between them; Heather stopped and turned to face the redhead.

"Martha May, please. Who Runway is a fashion magazine, so an interest in fashion is pretty crucial. Understand?" She scoffed.

"What makes you think I'm not interested in fashion?" Martha asked before Heather's cellular phone beeped.

She checked it and her eyes immediately widened. "What? Oh my gosh. No, no, NO!" She hurried to the desk on her right and started to search for the landline.

"What's wrong?" Martha asked, confused and slightly frightened.

Heather didn't respond; she just picked up the phone and said into it, "Johanna is coming, she's on her way. Tell everyone." She hung up as a man with dark brown hair and wearing a silvery white suit walked in.

"What is happening, Heather? She's not supposed to be here until 9:00." The man said.

"Her driver just texted and one of her morning spa appointments just cancelled, out of nowhere!" Heather replied with a scoff. "Can you believe these people?"

"Hardly. The nerve of some people." He noticed Martha and looked back at Heather with a look that said, 'Who's that?'

"Oh, her? Don't worry about her, Franklin. She's here for a job interview."

"Everyone, to your stations! NOW! Come on, let's go!" The man, Franklin, said to everyone in the hall.

The minute he said that, everyone on the entire floor started to prepare themselves for Johanna Starling's early arrival. They cleaned up their work spaces, applied makeup and proper shoes, and Heather even had to set up magazine's on Johanna's desk. Martha had no idea what was going on; she just watched as every single person she could see was buzzing about like a swarm of bees, making sure everything was absolutely perfect.

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