Years Go By

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Years went by and Martha still worked at Who Runway, pretty much doing the same thing each and every day. It was fun at first, but now she just felt like she was in a rut... an excruciating and horrible rut she couldn't get out of, no matter how hard she tried. And all she wanted to do was leave.

Martha May was now thirty-five years old. She would either wear her hair in a bun or even cut it completely short on occasion and she would dress in boring clothes in bland ordinary colors; all because August would tell her to look professional for this job. And of course, she would always do what he wanted... hardly ever what she wanted anymore. August had run for mayor of Who York City and he's been mayor for four terms, a full sixteen years. But not everyone in the city was very happy about that, especially Martha.

But during that time, the unbearable abuse August inflicted upon Martha gradually became worse. He would often come home either tired or even wasted and if he saw something out of place, he would hurt Martha in a number of different ways, even if she didn't do anything. He would punch her, cut her, kick her, and basically turn her life into a living nightmare. But the worst part about August was his unpredictable nature; Martha would never know what kind of mood he would be in, especially if it's a good day. She hated it... and she hated him.

Once in a while, August would ask her to marry him and every time... she would say 'no', which would make him angry. But every so often he would keep asking, hoping she would finally say 'yes'; she never did.

It was the last few days of December; Christmas had passed and the New Year was quickly approaching. Martha had gotten home early from a long day at work and was ready to relax before August showed up to ruin the peace and quiet. As she changed into something more comfortable, she noticed a cardboard box hidden deep in her closet. She picked it up and discovered something wrapped in bubble wrap and newspaper; she unwrapped it and realized that it was the Christmas Tree Angel that the Grinch had made for her all those years ago. Martha smiled and started to cry, holding the Angel close.

"I miss you, Mr. Grinch..." She whispered.

She wondered if the Grinch still remembered her, even after all this time.

'Oh, what would he think of me now...?' She thought.

The front door opened. As quickly as possible, Martha put the Angel back in its box, shoved it back into the closet, and went out to greet August. He was wearing his usual gray suit, but he was holding a couple bags of takeout food. Martha was confused.

"Hello, my little flower." August said.

"What's this?" Martha asked.

"It's dinner. What do you think it is?" He shoved a pulled pork sandwich, some onion rings, and a medium diet soda into her hands before he sat down at the table. "I figured you would either be too busy or too lazy to cook tonight."

"What do you mean 'lazy'?"

"You know, never taking initiative; hardly doing your share around the house."

Martha sat down with wide eyes. "What are you talking about? I do my share."

"Not very often."

Martha was shocked and somewhat offended; she did far more than her fair share around the house. He shouldn't be complaining; in fact, he should be thanking her for everything she did. If anything, August isn't doing his share. All he ever did since he was elected mayor was sit around and basically do nothing but give orders and boss people around all day. She furrowed her brow as she stared at her food, not even touching it; she hated pulled pork and onion rings.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, trying to sound stern.

August sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ugh, must I draw you a picture? It means you've done nothing all day, especially since you've gotten that promotion."

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