A huge ostrich is trying to eat me

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''tell me again why you accepted?'' Harry asked as he was packing his clothes for the long journey to France.

''because we could use an army and you could use some fresh air.'' Harry glared at his mother but this only made her smile. ''I think you will like the young Malfoy heir though, the last time I saw him he had the same interests as you.'' He raised an eyebrow at her with his eyes asking if she meant this serious but there was no mocking in her eyes.

''the last time you were in France I was six! So you're basically saying I have the same interests as an six year old?'' her emerald eyes widened when she realized what she had just said.

''you know I didn't mean it like that dear!'' she cried out and Harry laughed good heartedly at her.

''yeah I know.'' He gave her a quick hug. ''thank you. Now, do you have any idea where my trousers are?'' Lily sighted.

''I swear to Merlin if I get up and find them immediately you will have Hell to pay young man.'' Two seconds later she walked out of the huge closet with a pair of dark trousers. Harry's eyes widened.

''I swear they must have just teleported there or something!'' Lily shook her head at her son's behavior and just threw the trousers at him. Harry grinned at his mother he was so glad that inside the safe haven of these four walls they could act like a real family instead of the plastic dolls everyone expected them to be.

''don't stay up to late, you have a big journey ahead of you.'' His mother said as she gave him a kiss on the forehead.

''I will, goodnight.''

'' goodnight.'' When the door closed he sighted. he really didn't want to pack anymore. Unfortunately his parents had forbidden him to ask any of the servants to pack for him. they said it was good to realize you can plan ahead or can't hold other people responsible for your actions. He could of course always use magic although that was forbidden. For most people their magic chore can't be reached until they come of age for Harry though it was a whole different story. He had been able to move objects with his mind before he could crawl. Because he was still underage he could let absolutely no one find out about his magic. That didn't mean he didn't use it at all however once a week his father would take him out hunting but instead of hunting they would visit two old friends of James, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. The two males had thought him everything he knew and since a month that included being an animagi.

Harry sighted once more there was no way he was going to get away with using magic inside the castle. The wards would detect it immediately, his parents would know and he would not be allowed to leave for France. And despite his previous commends he really did want to go.

He finished an hour later with two huge suitcases and a backpack, maybe not the fanciest look but it was convenient. He could always shrink it and hide it in his pocket when he'd arrive.

When he woke up he cursed the world, quite colorfully, to hell when he realized the time he had to spend in a train. As leader, or heir, of a country he couldn't floo to another country. Luckily for him he could floo to the train station which bought him ten minutes or so to continue sleeping. He quickly said goodbye to his parents and promised to floo call them when he'd arrived.

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