Trip p.2 (Welcome to Cali)

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Creator's Note
(I'm gonna try not doing smuts but I'll make this book mostly lemons and a lot of fluffs) (this one a lemon 🍋)

Flower's Pov:
I woke up and felt numb so once I got out of the bed I felt dizzy once I got my balance right I walked out to see x playing on the fridge and four driving again.

Oh hi flower x waved.

I waved back I was still tired so I went back to our room and fell asleep again.

Flower wakey wakey lollipop said shoving me up.

What! I yelled.

We're stopping somewhere to eat wake up!

I got up and put on my clothes (a sweater dress)

As all of us walked out I got blinded by the sun.

We got in the restaurant and ate a quick lunch *no one can survive off of chocolate cake and smarties*

This is really good right guys? X said waiting for someone to answer.

Yea I agree lollipop and four said.

It could be better I said adding a little salt to my fries.

Well your not paying for it flower four said.

I didn't say I was either I said talking back.

Flower pls be quiet before I leave you on purpose next time four said.

I'm going to the Rv *bleep* you! I said grumbling on the way back. *I don't know what his problem is and I'm at my limit*

Once I got in the Rv *I took my plate too*
I sat on the couch to eat.

Flower... lollipop said knocking on the Rv door.

Yea the door is unlocked I said munching on something.

Flower I know your agitated but I think I can help lollipop said sitting on the couch.

Lollipop I am 100% that you cannot make me feel bette-

Lollipop pinned me down and started to kiss my neck.

I moaned softly squirming around.

Lollipop chuckled stay still...

I stopped squirming then she continued kissing my neck and left a hickey.

Once lollipop got off of me I covered the hickey with a bandaid.

Four and x got back in and x only questioned me once but I said it was just a burn.

I hope no one was sick in that diner because I'm a real germaphobe *I washed my plate then put my food on*

(Few hours in)

Guys were here! X said pointing at a welcome to California sign.

We stopped and got a room at a hotel we're only staying one night because we're going home tomorrow since this took to long.

We should go to the pool x said.

*If I go to swim they'll see the hickey*

Idk.. I said it would be fun though.

Yea so that was it everybody started changing and we headed to the pool.

I wiped down the chair I was gonna sit on the started reading.

Hey flower four said walking up to me.

What is it.

X made me say this but still I'm sorry for being rude at the restaurant.

I forgive you I don't hold grudges that much.


Guys I think we're done lollipop fell asleep in the pool x said pointing to lollipop asleep on a floatie.

We all walked back to the hotel I'm getting really tired and i developed a cough.

(The next day because the other chapter was long)

We packed our bags and returned home I feel the worst.

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