chapter 4 - cat eyes

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Soobin pov

I'm in a café right now which is located god knows where, but it's really really pretty.

It's calming.

I was forced to come here by a few people I met at college, but now I don't hate it. After entering the premises, I was directly attracted to what seemed like the darkest part of the cafe. The pictures, plants, and colors attract me and bring me peace. If I were in a healthy relationship, I would probably rest my heart here, knowing that it's safe in my lover's hands. The darkness surrounding me is beautiful and I love it with all my heart. It's soothing really, it's the first time I feel peaceful after everything that happened that day.

-She left you and it's all your fault. You're an asshole who can't do anything right you know that? People hate you and I'm pretty sure Taehyun didn't even want you here-


"That is what I call perfect timing," I think to myself as I turn around to hear a faint voice calling my name. I see Taehyun standing in front of me with 2 people I don't recognize and the whole gang of people who accompanied me behind them.

There's one dressed in what seems like black cargo pants and an oversized red t-shirt. He's got a ball cap attached to the cargo pants, and an apron tied around his waist, that has faint marks of coffee and chocolate splattered over it. His features are not sharp, but for sure you would think this person is a celebrity with his looks. A shy smile on his lips, dimples going lightly into his slightly chubby cheeks. a strong jawline and pierced ears. Soft brown eyes that are slightly covered by his dark brown hair. He looks so tiny beside Taehyun that it's laughable.

The other person though -

I don't know how to describe him. He's just..... perfect. Bright blazing red hair that's captivating, and observing dark brown cat-like eyes, with his lips in a smug shy smile. He's covered in black with hints of jewelry here and there. A sharp jawline and sculpted cheekbones. His cheeks are slightly pink, probably from the heat or cold, and his lips are slightly parted. They all give him a scowling yet interesting look that looks heavenly. All in one, he looks ready for love, or ready to be loved.

It's difficult to describe, but that's how I see him. Dark, cold, sad, loving, and kind.

I finally step out of my trance and mutter a faint "Hi I'm Soobin, Nice to meet you"

- nice you just embarrassed yourself again, how many times has it been Soobin?-

I stare at the red-haired dude in the eye as I feel his eyes taking in what I'm wearing. I feel flustered and start rubbing at the nape of my neck. His eyes travel up to meet mine and I see something spark in them. He says "Hi Soobin, I'm Yeonjun, nice to meet you". I glance back at everyone behind him as I see him doing the same and their jaws are hanging.


I stare at him for another minute. I would want to for longer but I hear Taehyun saying "God damn, he's actually softened." I turn to look at him, and I can see him and the short dude both are looking at us, taking in our small interaction.

"Come on everyone, let's have some coffee, why else did you come here?" the short dude says

We all follow him to a table while the short-haired dude - who now I know to be named Jimin or "Park Jimin, the cutest one here, and I am the oldest so you better give me respect"- takes our orders and goes to make them, accompanied by Yeonjun. Everyone else sitting starts conversing about random things, while I just sit there, near the window staring at the darkest part of the café, thinking about my day and more importantly, the cat-like eyes I stared into moments ago.


A/N: 659 words

last edited 221005
21:17 pm


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