chapter 5 - scars

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⚠ - Disturbing scenes for a few


You enter a hallway you know all too well, and find a bag hanging on your shoulder. Your legs move by themselves, and as much as you want them to stop and turn around to return to the comfort of your homely abode, you don't stop them. Fate is fate, and there's no point in changing it. You're tired of running away from things, whether it's fate or life itself, that's all you've done, and you're done with it.

The thing about fate is, it's already set for you. What happens to you, it isn't in your hands. What fate has decided for you doesn't have your opinion or thought. It can cause pain and sorrow and feelings that can be easily but under the label blue and grey. But most times than other, they create feelings of happiness and joy, the feeling of warmth spreading in your chest that you oh so enjoy. Sadly, for you, this isn't one of them.

As you enter your assigned classroom, you feel the eyes on you, burning your skin and for a moment you wonder if they leave marks on your already scarred skin. It's been years, and still, you receive a daily dose of torment from your fellow classmates.

Compared to before, this is good, you've been good. The pain you have to go through because of scars on your skin is quite dumb. Like why do people even care? Scars show what you've been through and you shouldn't have to hide them. They show your strength and show that you've survived the roller coaster of hell and are standing still. You might be scarred for life after that, and the scars might remind you of things you would love to forget, but your still there, standing on your two wobbly legs and are ready to face the next one.

You drop your bag off at your designated cubby and walk to your seat. You settle yourself in the back row, happy that you have your own company. The first class starts and you're lost. The tiny cheers from your friends mean nothing to you, they don't help. The shadow amid the cheers is where you stand, and where you will stand for long to come. Every day's a maze and you wonder if it's going to change ever.

Before you know it it's time to walk home. You take slow and steady steps down the hallway, giving the calls and stares of people a deaf ear. You're preoccupied with your thoughts, the voice in your head. Your head hangs low as you bump into someone. You're about to apologize but before you open your mouth a fist connects with your jaw.

There goes your good day-

Cupping your cheek, you finally break out of your daze and look up with glossy to see the people you've been trying to ignore. There they stand, your hate group with their words, that cut deeper than they should.

"Your disgusting,"
"I would hit you more, there won't be a difference with the ugly scars on your body,"
"Why are you still here?? You were never meant to be, the scars say,"
" Have you heard? She's cheating on you.. I mean I would too, you're disgusting,"
" You're a disgrace to this society and your family, do I make that clear Soobin?"

That's all it takes for him to wake up. He's happy that he woke up because he knows for a fact that it's going to get worse and he does not want that. He pinches himself more than once to make sure he's awake. Slowly but surely, a sob works its way out of him. He finally broke, louder than a bomb that sadly no one will hear. He wonders when will this nightmare ever end.


AN: 632 words

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21:19 pm


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