Chapter 11-12

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   Chapter 11 Reclamation

  Lin Lang couldn't help but said, "Do you really think planting is very troublesome? But it's also very convenient. You don't have to work so hard to go out and collect."

   The green raccoon, the thorn fruit, and the dark cloud really don't understand it.

   "There's everything on the mountain, so why is it so hard to collect? Besides, those things can't fill the stomach and are unpalatable. If it's not enough meat, who likes to eat those things!"

   "Yes, yes, I think planting is hard work, and it is especially hard to survive. Even if you live, the fruit will be small and small, so it is better to collect. Of course, Sister Lin will definitely be able to plant and live, hehe!"

   "Yes, the wild vegetables cooked by Sister Lin are also delicious!"

   "Anyway, Sister Lin and Brother Xian let us do whatever we want. Just do it."



  Lin Lang smiled: "Dig the ground well!"


  Lin Lang sighed to Li Xian: "Hey, they really don't know the benefits of planting!"

  Li Xian smiled: "I'll know soon."

   "Well, that's what I said."

  There is a lot of dry firewood in the forest.

  Because it was used to burn the kiln fire, the two of them deliberately chose hardwoods that were relatively dense and heavy in their hands, which were more resistant to burning.

   In this season, the wild vegetables are really not fresh and tender, and whether the mushrooms can be found depends on luck, but today they found a lot of bracken beside a ravine.

  The side of the ravine is both shady and humid, which is most suitable for the growth of ferns.

Seeing that the mountain wall beside the ravine was densely covered with edible bracken, each root was fat and big, and the tender green color, Lin Lang was overjoyed, and smiled happily: "There are a lot of bracken, bring back enough. It's been two or three days!"

   After all, wild vegetables are only side dishes, and the main food is still meat.

  The plump and tender bracken was broken with a single hand, and a big hug was picked up in a short while, tied with fine vines, and placed in the space.

   It took five full bundles to pick before they were finished.

  The two went back from the forest, went to the kiln entrance first, took out the firewood for burning the kiln from the space, and stacked them on the side.

  A hill-like firewood mountain, enough to burn two kilns.

  There is so much dry wood in the forest that it is easy to pick it up.

  Lin Lang has space for storage, and there is no hard work to carry. This work that originally required time and physical strength has become easy.

   The two checked Yu Yan's work and praised them.

  Yu Yan and the others were a little nervous at first, but they finally let out a sigh of relief and smiled away.

   They did it very seriously. The finished tiles were placed neatly on the ground piece by piece, and the batch could be installed in the kiln and ignited tomorrow morning. Visually it is almost enough to fill a kiln.

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