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i got out of work at around 2 in the morning. the lit cigarette in my hand didn't calm me down at all. i could feel every hair in my body on edge. i felt like something didn't feel right. something was out of place and right now i couldn't put my finger on it. i stood in front of my building finishing my cigarette as i pieced together the events from last night. not because i felt something, it was all too confusing.

i really didn't want to think about antoine and how it all had unfolded so easily. his firm body against my chest. his breath on my neck as we had sex. i spent the whole day thinking about his abs and his lips against mine. i think i might've failed my test because every time i read one of the questions i kept thinking of antoine inside of me.

i had spent my whole shift looking at the door waiting for antoine to walk through the door. i wanted to take him to the back room again and have my way with him. have his blue eyes look into mine and his hands all over my body. i took a big drag from my cigarette then threw it on the floor.

i walked inside my building and was extremely shocked when i arrived at my door. there was a balloon tied on the doorknob. it seemed so out of place. the balloon had printed across it 'you are awesome'. i had a huge grin on my face as undid the knot then opened the door. to my disappointment luis, my on and off boyfriend, was inside waiting for me.

"hey babe" luis said looking up from his phone. he fit in perfectly in my place, not like antoine. his shirt and shoes were off and i could notice how comfortable he felt at my place. for some reason this annoyed me. his long dark hair was messed up, as he looked up and made his way towards me. his eyes locked in mine and i quickly knew he was on something. i should've known better.

"hey." i said letting go of the balloon. i knew the balloon wasn't from him. he didn't believe in gifts. he leaned in to kiss me, but i turned my face away from him.

"what's wrong?" he asked probably watching me as i walked away.

"was it just the balloon?" i asked avoiding the question. i wasn't in the mood to see him. it's been three weeks since the last time we saw each other and i was pissed. we had a whole argument because he went to my job and started making out with some random girl he just met for some drugs.

"a letter from lara." he said pointing to the letter he had pinned on the fridge. i grabbed it as i made my way to my room. i wasn't going to tell him to join me. i was really thinking of letting him be in my place. i wasn't in the mood to get into an argument with him.

i walked towards my bathroom taking off pieces of clothing. i really needed a hot bath and just be with myself. i turned on the hot water and added a bit of the bath salts i had hidden in my bathroom.

i started reading the letter that i knew wasn't from lara. antoine's penmanship was clean and the letter was just two paragraphs long. he wrote me a letter telling me about how great it was to spend the night with me then left his number at the bottom for me to contact him. it was tempting, of course. i was craving him.

i got inside the tub with my phone in my hand. i wrote antoine's number and sent him a picture of me in the tub. i placed my phone next to me and started touching myself. i started to remember his soft hands against my skin and how he kissed me. it was a slow passionate kiss that made me crave more. i heard my phone buzz then stopped. i read antoine's text and giggled.

'are you thinking of me?' he wrote but i'm pretty sure he knew the answer to that question.

'a part of you, yes... the one that goes right here' i wrote back with another picture. i put my phone down and the door opened all of a sudden. luis walked into the bathroom with a smug look on his face.

"having all this fun without inviting me?" he said with the sexy smirk that always turns me on. he pulled his pants down to reveal his erection and i wasn't even amused like i usually am. luis was only good for two things, drugs and sex.

"i don't need you to have fun." i said turning away from him and hoping antoine would write back. i could hear luis footsteps as he made his way to my bathtub. in one swift movement he was inside with me and pulling me close to his body.

it was so predictable now being with him. his hands on my ass and his kisses all over my neck. no passion just sex. he ran his hand through my hair and pulled it. i heard my phone buzzing and knew it was antoine.

"you know what, i'm not feeling this." i said pushing luis off me and getting out of the tub. i grabbed my phone and headed towards my room. i could hear luis protesting as i walked away but didn't pay attention.

'want me to come over?' antoine wrote back and before i could answer luis grabbed my phone from my hands.

"who the fuck is this guy? are you cheating on me?" he screamed at me and i wasn't in the mood to go off on him.

"says the guy that was making out with another girl at my job." i rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my phone back. "i'm done with this, you can go back to being my dealer if you want. get the fuck out of my room."

"fuck no. i want nothing to do with a slut like you." he said shoving me before leaving.

i placed my phone on the nightstand and laid in my bed. i thought about going out for walk but it was late. i picked up my phone to text antoine.

'how about i come over to your place?' i wrote back and it took him a while to write back.

'it's better if we meet up at your place.' he wrote and i knew in that moment where i stood. i was probably his side piece, he had a girlfriend.

'forget it, lose my number.' i replied to his message.

i put my pjs on and went to bed. i wasn't going to let some hot guy use me for sex. i don't care how much my body craves his touch, but i am not someone side piece.

the next morning i woke up in a haze. i started my usual morning routine but it didn't feel normal. i felt strange and I don't know if it was ending things with luis or ending things with antoine. i continued my normal routine. i studied cooked lunched, even took a nap just preparing myself for my long night. i was surprised when i heard a knock on the door.

i walked over and look thought the peephole to find antoine was standing there with flowers and another balloon.

"go away." i screamed without opening the door.

"not until you tell me what i did." antoine screamed back. i opened the door and he smiled at me.

"why don't you want me at your place?" i asked taking him by surprise. i could see him fidgeting, not wanting to answer. "wife or girlfriend."

"wife." he said looking at the ground.

i beg your pardon || antoine griezmannWhere stories live. Discover now