Chapter 7|Unexpected Love

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(Start: 10-02-22; 11:29 AM)
Something unexpected is about to happen, so grab your popcorn and be ready! :D
I'm still writing on my computer by the way-

*+~{GxB; GirlxBoy}~+*

»»————>Chapter Start<————««
. . .
Skye was sitting on her bed talking with her sister who was trying to comfort her about Chase. Skye told her everything, how she loved him, how she hated the fact Marshall tried to take him from her, how he succeeded in his plan, and how she felt about it. She wanted to go back home and just forget about all this. Her sister sighed and told Skye about her photo-shoot she needed to get to, Skye then said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. Why did the world have to do this to her? She just wanted to be happy for once. Why couldn't she have that? Skye stared at her recent calls until one stood out to her, an unknown number. Who was it? She opened the contact and went to the messages.

Messages Start:


Hey it's me Star! Glad I got your number!

Oh hey! I'm glad you got it too! If you don't mind me asking, how are you doing?


I'm good you?

Same here! Also, you said you knew Chase, right?


Yeah, what about him?

Idk, I just feel a little skeptical about him and Marshall...


Oh, about them. I think Marshall already made his move Skye...

Wait what's that supposed to mean??


I heard them, y'know.. Making out or something near the end of lunch. I'm really sorry.

Oh... It's fine. I'm glad you told me Star...


Yw, if you need anyone to talk to, I'm available...

It's fine, I'm just gonna talk with my sister for a bit...


Alright, I wish you luck. Talk with you later


Messages End:

Skye started tearing up again after rereading her and Star's messages, her heart started to hurt again, and her mind started racing. She just wanted someone to love. Is life really this harsh? (Uhm... yes, yes, it is-) She sighed and put her phone on the charger before getting up and going to leave her room. When she opened the door and walked out, she heard a paper rustle and looked down to see a note. She looked around before stepping off it and picking it up.

Skye, I'm sorry. Why am I apologizing? I have nothing to apologize for, well I'm sorry for hurting you. I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and it hurts me to see you like this as much as it hurts you to think Marshall took me away from you. I don't care if you believe me or not, but if you want to talk meet me in the TV room.  - Chase

Skye sighed as she crumpled the note and threw it in her room. She closed her eyes and thought about meeting Chase or not, she made up her mind and walked off to the TV room holding back tears of rage and heartbreak. When she walked in, she saw Chase sitting on the couch doing something on his phone. She mustered up some courage and walked in sitting down next to Chase. Chase looked over at Skye and smiled a little as he put his phone away.
"What do you want, Chase?"
Skye asked, Chase sighed and looked at the TV as if it were on and he could use the picture to think. After a short pause he turned back to Skye with tear filled eyes.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have done what I did..."
"Don't even start Chase. You've hurt me enough."
"And you hurt me..."

Skye shot Chase a confused but angered look.
"How did I hurt you?!"
"You won't believe me when I tell you the truth! I love you and I won't ever stop!"
Skye scoffed and crossed her arms.
"You love Marshall, stop. Lying."
Chase stood up and thought of something that could get Skye to sort of believe him. And maybe it didn't come out the way he wanted it to.
"He forced me to! He knows I love you and so do so many of us!"
Skye stared at Chase with a surprised expression.
"He forced you?"
"Well not really, I don't know why it came out like that. But he basically knows I would do anything to make him happy and that was something that made him happy."
"Oh. Then why didn't you tell me that...?"
"I don't know. But would you believe me now if I told you I love you?"

Skye thought for a moment before nodding, Chase smiled a bit and hugged her. Skye hugged back and snuggled her face into his shoulder crying a bit.
"I'm sorry for not believing you and getting mad at you for no reason Chase."
"It's fine, I wouldn't blame you..."
Skye broke the hug and kissed Chase who kissed back. But little did he know, someone was listening in on their little conversation, and it put them in tears knowing they will never get their wish...

"... I love you [Unknown]..."
»»————>Chapter End<————««

Am I allowed to make short chapters with little cliffhangers here and there? No? Oh well I'm doing it anyway-

Story: 894 words
Chapter: 899 words 

(End: 10-03-22; 01:23 PM)

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