Chapter 8|Confession

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(Start: 10-03-22; 01:25 PM)
I have made four chapters in one day... I am proud-
Still on my computer, I have no phone and my tablet is on my alt account (D3pr3ss3d-S1mp) so ye-

*+~{Marshall Angst/1st time I did this-\}~+*
*+~{GxB; GirlxBoy}~+*
*+~{Mental Self Harm/Abuse}~+*

»»————>Chapter Start<————««
I was in my room curled up on my bed crying. I hate myself for being this sensitive, I knew this was going to happen and I didn't care. I felt my phone vibrate and checked it to see what it was. I unlocked my phone and saw a few messages from a few people. Only one caught my eye.

Messages Start:

---September 12th, 2015---

Why wasn't I invited-?!

12:43 PM

Idk why didn't you come????

12:44 PM

I'm coming rn-

12:44 PM


12:45 PM

---September 28th, 2015---

Hey, are you available?

04:28 PM

Uhm, yeah. What's up?

04:31 PM

Idk if this is too personal but do you like anyone.?

04:32 PM


04:32 PM

Oh, okay. Just asking..

04: 35 PM

Why? Do you like me or something?

04:36 PM

No, of course not- I was just curious-

04:38 PM


04:38 PM

Well uh, gtg ttyl?

04:38 PM


04:38 PM

Messages End:

I sighed as I put my phone down. Why am I so stupid? The only reason I liked Chase was to get my mind off Everest.. She would've never loved me. But now I think otherwise. I liked them both, I'm not afraid to say that.. but now that Chase is gone, how do I tell Everest I love her..? I looked back at my phone and took a deep breath.. Maybe..

Messages Start:

Well uh, gtg ttyl?
04:38 PM

𝗣𝗔𝗪 𝗣𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹: 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖲𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗌Where stories live. Discover now