Chapter 31 - Ordering ramen

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This is the chapter focusing on Hin and what he was doing while the kids are outside.

This chapter contains insecurity and overthinking.

Hin Uchiha: You guys, stay outside while, I go and set up the ramens so we could eat before going back home. Ordered Hin.

Everyone nodded their head, the good-for-nothing Hin went inside the ramen shop as if, he's not caring about children's or anybody in society. What a selfish cuckoo leaving the people he should take care of outside and not checking for their safety's.

Hin walked over to Teuchi and his daughter, Ayame. In his eye, he finds Ayame a cute and beautiful woman.

Teuchi: Hi there! What would you like to order? The kind man asked.

Hin Uchiha: twelve bowl of ramen please. Ordered Hin with a sight.

The man and his daughter went to cook his order.

While Hin was waiting, he started to think of him being nothing but a cuckoo, neglecting the people he has to look after and keep safe.

Him thinking Ayame is a cute and beautiful woman makes him the opposite.

Hin Uchiha: Why is she so beautiful and I'm ugly? Thought Hin as he startrd to bite the bottom of his lips.

He regretted not being by anyones side, he was a good-for-nothing. He started to heard someone performing a jutsu, he wanted to check what was happening to the young ninjas and his sister, Yodo Uchiha but he doesn't bother going.

Hin Uchiha: I wish I could check the kids but, I don't look good. Thought Hin insecure.

He started to hear a woman's scream but still, he doesn't want to check on the kids or anything. Everything is now silent as Teuchi and Ayame finished cooking the ramens.

Hin payed them before, he could get his sister and the others to come and eat.

Hin Uchiha: Ok brats! Come and eat! Sighted Hin.

The 11 young ninja's enters the ramen shop and starts eating their ramen. As Hin was about to take a bite of ramen, he heard slurping, he turned his head around and saw Menma slurping like a loud kid.

Hin Uchiha: Ugh! What a pig! Thought Hin with a disgust look.

Some of the other ninja's were also disgusted by Menma's loud slurping that they had to wait until Menma finished eating his ramen.

After eating their ramen and leaving the shop. Everyone went home and Hin took Yodo to their families' Mika.

To Be Countinued....

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