"The Beach"

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simple title ik lmfao i'm very original..

srry for not posting in so long uhhh have this old fic as compensation ig

You and Sonic have been friends for quite some time now, and yet you still felt like you didn't know much about him. Anytime you would feel like you know a lot about Sonic, you would figure something out about him that you didn't even know about at all.

One thing you were curious about was what Sonic was afraid of, because he always seemed so fearless. Anytime you'd ask him about it though, he would always avoid the question and change the topic, which made you even more interested in finding out what he was afraid of. You being you, you didn't want to ask his friends about his fears, because you wanted to find out yourself and maybe possibly prank him just for fun.

And you got exactly what you wanted.

One day, you decided to invite your friends to the beach to which they obviously agreed to. However, Sonic seemed very hesitant, which definitely piqued your interest. You teased him about it and joked about him being afraid, to which he finally agreed to go just to prove you wrong.

You were sitting down on the sand and watched your friends play around. Amy and Cream were making sandcastles, Tails was playing in the water, Knuckles was just laying down on a chair with Rouge constantly annoying him, Silver was making a sandcastle with his telekinesis as Blaze watched from afar while Shadow was sitting next to you to your right and Sonic standing next to you to your left.

What piqued your interest was how Sonic was looking at the ocean and slightly shaking, obviously you didn't assume he was cold because who invites friends to go to the beach while it's freezing cold? Once you saw the fear in his eyes while he was looking at the water, you put two and two together and got a great idea. You looked over to Shadow next to you and poked his shoulder, making him look at you and raise an eyeridge. You leaned over to him and whispered in his ear while looking at the cowering blue hedgehog.

"Hey, do you think Sonic is afraid of water?"

You went back to your spot as Shadow looked at you and at Sonic, who was still shaking violently while looking at the beach ocean. He looked back at you with a confused expression.

"He is."

You blinked.


Shadow stared back at you with half lidded eyes, making a 'really' expression as you nervously laughed and scratched the back of your neck.

"He has been for a long time, now if you're not gonna waste anymore of my time then-"

"Wait!" You whisper yelled, making Shadow turn his attention to you again with a slightly annoyed expression. You looked back at the blue hedgehog before looking back at Shadow with a mischevious grin and pointing your thumb towards Sonic.

"Do you wanna push Sonic in the water?"

The black and red hedgehog's ear twitched in interest before he mirrored your mischevious grin, obviously amused at the idea. You and Shadow never really talked that much, you both were aware of each others existence but you guys never actually interacted with each other. However, you wanting to prank his own rival made Shadow already fond of you.

"What do I get out of it?" He asked, making you put a finger to your chin in thought before getting an idea.

"You'll be my friend and we'll get to prank Sonic more?" You replied, waiting for his response as you stuck out your hand towards him. Shadow thought about it for a moment before nodding and shaking your hand.

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