Skylanders, Mia and Me
(These events occurred after superchargers)
While in Skylands at the Skylands Academy Flynn was near one of the portals and he accidentally dropped his enchilada on it causing it to malfunction and open a rift, and then much to Flynn's surprise his old ship (The Dread Yacht) he thought was gone forever had come flying out of it and he was happy to see it again and told everyone. But before Flynn could tell anyone the Iron fist of Arkus came flying out of the rift too and landed on Flynn causing him to say ouch very loudly and everyone came to see what happened including Kaos and Glumshanks too. Kaos was shocked to see the Iron fist of Arkus again after so long since he last saw it, then without expecting it many other things and creatures came flying out of the portal landing randomly around the Academy and those items were The Arkeyan Conquertron, the mirror that contained kaos mother, the core of light, Drill X, the Arkeyan king, Captain Frightbeard, Count Moneybone, Noodles, then a device capable of summoning any kinds of spellpunks, and then finally a machine able to spawn any enemy ever. Once everything that the came out of the rift all the bad guys were captured and put into cells and the items were put into storage Buzz when to make sure the mabu secured the bad guys and items where they should be the mabu put kaos mother in her mirror prison into a cell that required an access card. When everyone went to sleep kaos went to free the bad guys including his mother by using flynn access card that he told Glumshanks to take and after the bad guys were freed kaos told them to free his mother from her mirror prison and follow him to freedom. Meanwhile the bad guys went to kaos mother's cell and discovered they required some spellpunks help to free her from her mirror prison of oblivion and then kaos told chompy mage to send Chompies to the storage area. After the Chompies took the spell punk device they brought it to Kaos and he used it to summoned spell punks of each element including a time spell punk, then the spell punks focused their magic towards the mirror and opened a doorway that enabled kaos mother to escape her prison and she escaped and then all the bad guys left the prison while kaos and Glumshanks went to the storage to get the the Arkeyan Conquertron and the Iron fist of Arkus and they went to kaos castle along with the other bad guys. When morning came Flynn discovered his access card was taken and told everyone and discovered other things were missing including all the bad guys too. At kaos castle the bad guys were enjoying themselves with each other and test dummies and then kaos discovered the Iron Fist of Arkus still contained its magic. At the castle kaos used the bad guy making device to spawn an army of trolls and ordered them to build a factory to build more Arkeyan robots. When they skylanders and friend arrived at kaos castle the broke a wall down in order to get in but while no one was looking Flynn snuck in and found the Iron fist of Arkus while kaos, Glumshanks, and kaos mother used the Arkeyan Conquertron while the other bad guys when to fight the skylanders and friends. Then Flynn entered the Iron fist of Arkus to see what it looked like and without knowing it he turned into a giant Arkeyan version of himself and went to see the battle of skylanders vs villains. When Flynn arrived everyone was surprised to see what happened to Flynn, especially Cali and Hugo. But kaos was made because he didn't think of that and he used the Arkeyan Conquertron to attack robot Flynn but he didn't expect Flynn to throw him and the Arkeyan Conquertron onto the Arkeyan robot factory and fortunately he made sure it didn't land on his friends. Then Buzz and Mags activated a teleporter that would send the villains back to the prison in locked cells. The Skylanders, Giants, Swap Force, Trap Team, and the Superchargers fought until all the bad guys were defeated and trap and kaos and his mother were left along with Glumshanks too. Then Flynn jumped up into the sky and landed on the Arkeyan Conquertron causing kaos to press the eject button and all three of when flying and Flynn caught kaos and his mother and Glumshanks had a parachute and landed near the heroes and explained that kaos made him do what he was doing.After kaos mother was trapped back in the mirror everyone went back to the academy and Flynn carried the Arkeyan Conquertron back to the academy while everyone used flying vehicles and kaos was handcuffed in between wash buckler, blast zone,rubble rouser, and night shift.While Glumshanks was in between Thumpback and Hot Head. Back at the academy kaos and his mother were both sent to the prison in separate cells and Glumshanks was taken back to the academy to his room but with guards just in case kaos escapes. After a while Mags helped remove the Iron fist of Arkus from Flynn in order to return him back to his normal mabu form. Then while no one was looking a chompy got into the prison and released Chompy Mage from his cell and they both escaped to the academy and got to the rift that was opened earlier and he and the chompy jumped into it but Flynn and Cali saw him and Flynn jumped in after him and Cali went to get help and told the others about the Chompy Mage and Flynn. Then Buzz planned to send the Giants and the Swap Force in to get them back then and Cali, Glumshanks, and Mags planned to go into the rift too to find them. Meanwhile on the other side of the rift Flynn, Chompy Mage and the chompy discovered a new world much different that Skylands. While preparing at the academy Cali was preparing the Dread Yacht for the journey with the help of the Giants and Swap Force. In the other world the chompy magically returned to the Chompy Mage's magic staff so it could be summoned later. Meanwhile at the academy Buzz told the crew that was going into the rift that he would stay at the academy with the skylanders, the Trap Team, and the Superchargers too. In the other world Flynn and Chompy Mage were both questioning where they were still. Then both of them saw a portal open in the sky and saw someone with wings come flying out of it and then saw the portal close up after a minute or two. The the team drove the dread yacht into the rift but little did they expect that Noodles, Captain Frightbeard, Count Moneybone, and kaos who stole the spell punk spawner before he snuck aboard the dread yacht with the other villains below deck so no one could see them on board. Then Cali flew the dread yacht into the rift with everyone on board after everyone braced themselves for the journey through the rift. But while traveling through the rift Glumshanks fell overboard but fortunately Thumpback threw his anchor towards Glumshanks and he grabbed it tight and with Hotheads help they both pulled Glumshanks back on deck to safety and fortunately Thumpback's anchor didn't break the railing on the sides of the dread yacht. Then they arrived on the opposite side of the rift and were shocked to see the new world they were in, especially the skylanders and the four villains that were hiding inside the dread yacht. But long before they arrived Flynn and Chompy Mage went to explore their surroundings they both saw unicorns and one unicorn that had wings and a golden horn but when he came towards them they both ran away in fear and climbed up a tree to get away from Onchao. Then Chompy Mage summoned two Chompies to take on the unicorn so it would enable him and Flynn to get away and when they looked back they saw the winged unicorn kick them away and both of the Chompies were magically returned to his staff. Then the two of them ran as fast as they could go towards the Elf palace. Back at the dread yacht they saw people fly above them and unicorns running past their ship. When all the heroes left all four of the bad guys left to explore their new surroundings and used the spell punk spawner and summoned one of each element and one time spell punk to guard the ship. Then Frightbeard summoned fire and water spell punks to steal the treasure of the world they were in. Then count moneybone summoned undead spell punks to capture the citizens and help him take any treasure he can find. Then kaos secretly took the bad guy spawner from storage and used it to spawn an army of trolls, cyclopses, drows, and life spell punks. Spellslamzer had secretly snuck on board and followed the water skylanders Thumpback, Wash Buckler, and Freeze Blade but didn't expect them to attack him and inform the other some bad guys snuck aboard and went to different locations with their own armies. Then Thumpback, Wash Buckler, and Freeze Blade took Spellslamzer back to the dread yacht and discovered it was now guarded by spell punks. The three water skylanders then took out the spell punk remembering to take out the life spell punk first then the easily defeated the rest of the spell punks and called Buzz so they could send Spellslamzer back to skylands so he could be put back into his cell. Then the opened the rift and Thumpback threw Spellslamzer through the rift and he ended up back at the academy and then Snapshot, Wallop, and Blastermind escorted him back to his cell in the prison.They discovered that all the spell punks disappeared once they were beaten . Then once Spellslamzer was taken care of the three skylanders thanked the other then went back to their search for Flynn and the Chompy Mage. Meanwhile Flynn and chompy out ran Onchao but when they looked back they crashed right into the mountain that surrounds the Elf palace and fell unconscious onto the ground. Then Mia, Yuko, and Mo found them both and helped them into the elf palace to see what was wrong with them, what they were, and ask where they came from. After a few hours Flynn and Chompy Mage both woke up asking where they were and what happened to them. Mia told both of them that they were in Centopia and the she asked them where they came from and they both told her that they from skylands a magical place that is protected by the skylanders and Flynn said there are special types of skylanders and that their group names were the Giants, the Swap Force, the Trap Team, and the Superchargers. Then Flynn asked who that winged unicorn was and the elves told him that his name was Onchao. Then, without warning Swarm, Free Ranger, and Boom Jet arrived just above the palace and made sure not to land on anyone or anything when they landed. They asked where they were and asked if anyone had seen Flynn, Chompy Mage, and any bad guys that didn't belong here. Then Flynn and Chompy Mage came out of the Elf palace and both were glad to see their air element skylander friends and both exclaimed that it was great to see them again and then Flynn asked who else came. Swarm told Flynn that the Giants, Swap Force, Cali, Glumshanks, and Mags too. But back in skylands trolls and cyclopses released The Phantom Tide from the Chest of Exile and then flew the giant ship into the rift where Captain Frightbeard went. Then at the academy the trolls and cyclopes flew the Phantom Tide into the rift and landed where Captain Frightbeard was and lowered a rope to enable him to come aboard his ship. Once Captain Frightbeard was back on board his ship one of the trolls informed him that they brought the Chest of Exile and his sword as well. Then Frightbeard decided to release his crew once again but this time without the skylanders interfering with his plan, especially the Giants. Then all the skylanders that were in Centopia saw the disaster just as it was happening. This was caused by Captain Frightbeard because he released his crew from the Chest of Exile once again. Back at the Elf palace Flynn,the air skylanders, Chompy Mage, and the Elves saw the disaster while it was happening. Then the Elves asked what was happening over there and Flynn exclaimed that it was Captain Frightbeard releasing his crew from the Chest of Exile again. But Flynn didn't know how Captain Frightbeard got here until Swarm told him that Captain Frightbeard had hidden away on the Dread Yacht along with several other bad guys from their home world. Then Boom Jet and Free Ranger told the Elves that they would help protect them along with the other Swap Force members who arrived while Swarm goes to help the other seven Giants defeat and recapture Captain Frightbeard and his crew. The skylanders used their communication devices to inform the others about Captain Frightbeard and his fleet of pirates. Then Thumpback and Ninjini arrived carrying Cali, Glumshanks, and Mags and then they went to where the other giants were at with Swarm following behind them. But before they left Wash Buckler and Spy Rise arrived climbing over the rocks surrounding the Elf palace. Then Blast Zone came behind both of them being followed by Rattle Shake and Fire Kraken followed behind by bouncing from tree to tree. Then Rubble Rouser and Grilla Drilla dug the way underneath the wall surrounding the Elf palace and Doom Stone followed behind them both so he could get inside too. Then without expecting it Trap Shadow and Stink Bomb unexpectedly appeared behind Cali and Flynn and Night Shift and Hoop Loop teleported right behind Glumshanks and they both startled him. Then Blast Zone told Free Ranger and Boom Jet that Magna Charge and Freeze Blade would arrive any second and the both of them sped up the side of the rock formation and came flying over the edge and both of them landed right next to Mags. After they landed Mags said that was a close one and Magna Charge and Freeze Blade both agreed with Mags about their unexpected entrance. Meanwhile all eight of the giants were planning on how to defeat Captain Frightbeard once again and recapture his entire crew. Then Captain Frightbeard and his crew came towards the Giants, but little did he expect the Giants leaped on board and went towards the Chest of Exile. Then Captain Frightbeard came towards them but little did he expect that Tree Rex and Thumpback were behind him. Then without expecting it Captain Frightbeard was hit by Tree Rex and Thumpback attacks and his sword flew up into the air and Swarm caught it after he got a lift from Bouncer. Then the Giants grabbed the Chest of Exile before they left the Phantom Tide with the sword of Captain Frightbeard and they landed right below it and then they used Fright Beards sword to open the Chest of Exile by throwing the sword into it and then they all backed up just to be on the safe side and not to get sucked into the vortex along with the Phantom Tide and Captain Frightbeard. But the Giants didn't expect Captain Frightbeard to jump off his ship just right before it was sucked into the vortex along with the rest of his fleet. But when Captain Frightbeard landed he didn't expect to see Thumpback right in front of him and really didn't expect it when Thumpback used his anchor to knock Frightbeard into the vortex. But before he got sucked in he yelled out that it wouldn't be the last they see of him and that he will be back one day again for his revenge. Once Captain Frightbeard and his fleet were trapped back in the Chest of Exile once again the Giants informed the skylands academy that Captain Frightbeard and his crew were captured and sent the Chest of Exile to the rift back to skylands and to put it back into storage and released Captain Frightbeard while he was unconscious so he could be put back into jail but they made sure that his crew would escape again while Gusto, Wallop, and Tuff Luck took him back to his cell and Enigma, Knight Mare, and Knight Light took the Chest of Exile back to the storage area to be put into a secure location so it wouldn't be used for evil purposes again hopefully. Then back in Centopia the Giants were heading back to the Elf Palace and keeping their eyes open incase they saw any of the villains that followed them to the new world. Meanwhile Kaos, Count Moneybone, and Noodles were discussing what to do now that Captain Frightbeard and Spellslamzer were sent back to skylands and put into jail cells again by the skylanders. Then Noodles used the enemy maker to spawn evil versions of twelve of the skylanders because his other minions were defeated by EyeBrawl, Night Shift, and Rattle Shake. Then Count Moneybone explained that Ninjini, Trap Shadow, and Hoot Loop defeat all his minions too. Then Kaos yelled out that the entire Swap Force defeated his entire army in just an hour and that Night Shift sent him flying with one of his powerful uppercut punches. Then Noodles left their hideout with his army of evil skylanders minions he created with the enemy spawner and then went to take on the skylanders that were in Centopia while Count Moneybone and Kaos stayed behind so that they wouldn't get captured as well. Then Noodles found the Giants before they got to the Elf Palace and shocked them when he and twelve evil skylanders behind him appeared out of nowhere. Then Noodles then commanded the evil undead minions to attack but he didn't expect Crusher to use his hammer to smash all three of them right after he temporarily petrified. Then he sent out all three of the evil water minions but didn't expect Hot Head to cover them in oil and then used his fire abilities to burn them easily. After that he sent the three evil fire minions to attack next but Thumpback to knock out the Evil Eruptor, then Swarm used his stingers to take out the Evil Phoenix Dragon, and Bouncer used his rockets to defeat the Evil Pyro Archer. Finally Noodles sent the three life minions to attack but realized that the Evil Ninja Minion escaped. But he sent the Evil Ent and Evil Missile Minion to attack but the Evil Ent was defeated by Tree Rex's attack and Ninjini took down the Evil Missile Minion. After about all the evil minions were gone except one Noodle chose to take on Eye-Brawl by himself but he tripped because the Evil Ninja Minion abandoned him and then she went on her own back to the cave where Kaos and Count Moneybone were hiding in. The Giants considered that Noodles was too dangerous but they sent him through the rift back to skylands and Noodles was thrown back through the portal and was escorted back to his cell by Blastermind and Jawbreaker. They put Noodles in the cell between Spellslamzer and Captain Frightbeard. Meanwhile back in Centopia Evil Ninja Minion entered the cave where Kaos and Count Moneybone were hiding in and she told kaos the other minions were defeated and Noodles was sent back to skylands and that she purposely doublecrossed him too. Then Kaos admitted that he was impressed with her and then he demanded to know if the skylanders followed her and she said the Giants didn't even see where she went. Then Count Moneybone used the enemy maker to spawned ten of each undead minion so that he would have thirty minion to help him cause chaos and he made five extra Evil Knight Minion to serve as his guards along with two gear golems one being a fire gear golem and the other being an earth gear golem for extra protection. Then Count Moneybone left the cave with all the minions riding on top of the earth gear golem so he wouldn't have to walk all the way there. But little did Count Moneybone know that the Giants arrived at the Elf Palace and exclaimed that they caught some of the villains who followed them. Then Thumpback knocked out the two gear golems while the other Giants smashed all the other undead minions and then the Swap Force took out the undead minions that were guarding Count Moneybone. When all the minions were all defeated Count Moneybone attempted to escape but he was stopped by Flynn, Cali, and Chompy Mage because they blocked his only escape route. Then Wash Buckler came in from behind Count Moneybone and he used his tentacles to repeatedly slap Count Moneybone until he was knocked out by all Wash Buckler's tentacle slapping. Then once Count Moneybone fainted Cali told Buzz that they were going to send Count Moneybone through the rift and told them to be prepared and the Eye-Brawl threw him through the rift and on the other side of the rift. Then when Count Moneybone came out of the portal he was taken to his jail cell by Krypt King and Short Cut. Then Buzz told the others in Centopia that Count Moneybone had arrived and was taken to his cell by the two of the trap masters. Then Flynn asked where the Dread Yacht was and Cali told him the Giants carried it to the Elf Palace and put it just right outside the palace walls.After that Cali said all that was left was to catch Kaos, the Evil Ninja Minion, and get the devices were used to spawn bad guys too. Then suddenly kaos arrived with the bad guy spawners now made portable and with an army of a million trolls and a million cyclopses But little did he expect Night Shift and Hoot Loop both took his two bad guy spawners when he least expected it and gave them both to Cali and then the Giants, Swap Force, and even Chompy Mage helped fight off the bad guys. During the battle the Giants took on all the cyclopes and the Swap Force took on all the trolls. Then Chompy Mage asked Cali if he could use the bad guy spawner to help and he was permitted to use it and used it to create two million Chompies and told them to help attack the trolls and cyclopes and then he returned it to her when he was done with it. After all the Chompies were summoned they helped the skylanders by biting the trolls and cyclopes and enabling the skylanders to hit the bad guys easier and shortened the battle. Then the skylanders defeated the remaining trolls and cyclopes and Chompy Mage used his staff to magically make the Chompies disappear when the both armies were gone. Then Blast Zone flew up towards Kaos and threw some of his bombs near Kaos causing the him to fall down the rock formation near Flynn and Cali causing him to panic and told Buzz that they caught Kaos and only had one thing left to do and Buzz told them not to let their guard down around Kaos. Then the Evil Ninja Minion arrived behind them and threatened to attack Flynn but little did she expect Crusher used his hammer to smash her after Flynn got her to look away and got to a safe distance too. Then once everyone was taken care of the skylanders, Flynn, Cali, Glumshanks, Mags, and a captured Kaos boarded the Dread Yacht and Flynn flew them through the rift on their ship through the rift as they said farewell to their new Centopia friends. Then Phuddle and Polytheus arrived and asked what happened around there while they were elsewhere and Mia, Yuko, and Mo explained that creatures from another world arrived through the rift that was still in the sky from earlier. After they both saw the rift they were surprised to see that. Meanwhile back at the skylands academy Kaos was being taken to his jail cell by Snap Shot, Wildfire, Thunderbolt, Bushwhack,and Wallop. Then Chompy Mage asked if he could have a new cell with enough room for him and his Chompies along with a better place to rest too and Cali, Flynn, and Buzz agreed with his deal and shortened his time due to act of heroism in the other world and they would ask for his assistance if they need his help. After that the four of them went to the jail and opened the door to his new cell and he said it was just what he was hoping for and thanked them for the new cell. Then some of them left while Chompy Mage was saying farewell to them until they met again. But before they left the three of them went to see kaos get put into his cell. Then Chompy Mage wanted to ask them why Mesmeralda was not in her cell and they were shocked to discover that Mesmeralda had escaped her cell when no one was looking. Then Buzz told the Trap Team to keep their eyes on the other prisoners while the three of them went to get a group of skylanders to help recapture Mesmeralda....

Skylanders & Mia and Me
FanfictionIt's an unexpected adventure between the residents of Skylands and inhabitants of Centopia while trouble secretly follows these special heroes.