Skylanders and Mia and Me Part 2

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Then without warning Drill-X created a giant hole in the front door of the prison and then he knocked aside the Trap Masters with his drill causing them to go unconscious temporarily. Then he used his drill to destroy all the cell doors including Chompy Mage's cell door and he even destroyed the cells that had extremely dangerous villains including Kaos. But Drill-X revealed that Mesmeralda was the one who had the idea to release all the villains. Then Mesmeralda went to Drill-X to open the cell containing Kaos's mother and went into it with Spellslamzer and then used their powers to release her from her mirror prison of oblivions. Then almost all of the bad guys headed toward the exit before the Trap Team recovered from being unconscious.When all the Trap Masters awoke they looked around and discovered that almost every the bad guy escaped except Chompy Mage who preferred to stay where he was with his Chompies even though his cell door was busted open. Then Tuff Luck went to Chompy Mage to ask what happened and he told her that Mesmerelda and Drill-X teamed up and destroyed the front door and released all the bad guys including Kaos and his mother. Then she asked why he didn't escape with the other and he told her that he didn't have any motive to leave with the other after he mentioned about his adventure in the other world on the other side of the rift at the academy. Then Tuff Luck told the other Trap Masters about what Chompy Mage told to her. Then Snap Shot used the communication device to inform Buzz about almost every bad guy who escaped due to Drill-X and Mesmeralda. He then told Buzz that one villain stayed while everyone else escaped. Then Buzz asked who didn't leave and Snap Shot told him that the Chompy Mage didn't leave. Buzz was surprised to know that only one bad guy would have stayed instead of leaving with the others. Then Chompy Mage came over to tell Buzz it was his choice if he wanted to stay or leave and told Buzz that the adventure he had with Flynn gave him a change in mind. Then Buzz told the Trap Team to get over to the academy and bring Chompy Mage along because they can use all the help they can get if the other villains are free from prison and who knows what else. Then a mabu guard told Buzz that the Chest of Exile and the Arkeyan Conquertron have been stolen from the storage vault and there was a giant hole in the ceiling left by Arkeyan Conquertron who was holding the Chest of Exile. Then Tessa and Whiskers came to inform Buzz the Flashfin was taken somehow. Then Sharpfin arrived with Avril on board his ship and they said the Terrasquid and the Frosthound were missing. Then the academy was informed that the Tree Spirit was stolen as well. Then everyone realized that all four of the Ancient Elementals of the Cloudbreak islands had been taken. Then Captain Frightbeard arrived on board the Phantom Tide along with a group of the escaped villains on board his ship while every other villain was on board the rest of his fleet and Kaos and his mother were riding in the Arkeyan Conquertron. Then every bad guy on Frightbeard fleet flew into the rift leading to Centopia but before they left Kaos revealed he stole the bad guy spawner and that every bad guy here was going to conquer the other world instead of skylands and that the Ancient Elementals were trapped in Traptanium cages on the Phantom Tide. Then suddenly in Centopia, Phuddle discovered a giant ship, a giant fleet, and a massive robot coming out of it and ran off to inform the king and queen about what he saw. Then in skylands the trap team arrived with Chompy Mage and they were informed the villains went through the rift. Then Buzz sent many mabu workers to repair the prison and to make new prison bars out of Traptanium so they can't be broken easily. Then Flynn went off to the storage vault and used his ID card to enter and when he was in the Iron fist of Arkus came towards him and he entered it from where the hole was. Then Flynn transformed into a giant arkeyan version of himself and exited through the hole from before and flew to where the others were. Then Flynn appeared in front of everyone else in order to and Cali asked why he did it again and he said it was to give the skylanders a fighting chance against evil. Then Buzz said there was no sense in arguing and said that everyone should go and help. Then Cali chose to drive the Dread Yacht through the rift again and told the Giants, the Swap Force, and the Trap Team to go on board and below deck if possible. Then Buzz told Spitfire to take all the superchargers through the rift too and told Spyro to stay with anyone who can't go. Then everyone else flew through the rift followed by robotic Flynn, Tessa, Mags, Glumshanks, and Sharpfin. But before the skylanders were prepared Phuddle made it to the Elf Palace and told the king and queen about what danger he saw. But after Phuddle told them Captain Frightbeard swung down from a rope and snatched Phuddle while he was leaving the Elf Palace and brought aboard his ship and locked him up in a cage. Then Captain Frightbeard swung down with Brawl & Chain next to him and Brawlrus swung down to the other side of Frightbeard too. Then the of them tied up the king and queen of the Elf Palace and Frightbeard Brawl & Chain to take them both aboard and he told Brawlrus to help him lock both of them up. Then Kaos arrived and told the trolls to go into the city and capture every citizen. Then the skylanders and friends arrived and when they landed everyone got off the Dread Yacht and Swarm and Crusher discovered that Brock stowed away on board their ship. Then Brock exclaimed that he came along to help in the battle against the villain and find bad guys willing to fight in his rumble club when the problems were taken care of and Cali agreed to allow him to fight with the skylanders against the enemies. Then Buzz called to inform them the prison was fixed with the upgrade and cells specified for each villain and bad guy. Then he told cali there was a Traptanium shard on the Dread Yacht so they could send the villains back to jail instantly. Then Drill-X jumped off the Phantom Tide to attack but little did he expect the Giants and Brock were attacking his legs so he would fall and stop singing too. After a few minutes they knock Drill-X down and NIght Shift arrive the Traptanium shard to send him to prison but before he did he called Buzz to know if there was a cell big enough for Drill-X and Buzz told him there was some big enough for him and the the shard opened a vortex and Drill-X went flying up and into it back to the prison and to his specified jail cell. Then brought the shard back to Dread Yacht and was informed by Buzz that Drill-X was recaptured.Then Night Shift went back to the Swap Force and helped them take on several wanted trolls being led by Threatpack and Lob Goblin. After an hour the Swap Force finished defeating Threatpack and threw him on the pile of their defeated troll enemy and their mechs too. Then Cali told Sharpfin to give the Swap Force the shard and after a couple minutes he threw the shard to them and went back to help the others. Then Wash Buckler used the Traptanium shard to send all the trolls they defeated back to their cells and then the Swap Force left to find other bad guys to send back to prison. Then the Trap Team found the Doom Raiders and took them on with Chompy Mage to help the trap masters beat the bad guys. Then chompy mage summoned his Chompies so they could attack Dr. Krankcase and he used his staff to hit the final strike on Dr. Krankcase while the trap masters took down the other Doom Raiders. After an hour every doom raider was beaten and Hoot Loop arrived and gave Snap Shot the shard so he could send the villain back and then Hoot Loop went back to where he was before with the rest of the Swap Force. Meanwhile the Giants and Brock found Captain Frightbeard, his ship, and his entire fleet and they climbed up the ropes to the ship. Then the Giants and Brock boarded the ship and attacked the wanted villains that Frightbeard was using as a crew while Thumpback went to take on Captain Frightbeard. Then while he was fighting Brawlrus he found the Chest of Exile just before Snap Shot used his bow and arrow to send the shard onto the Phantom Tide so the Giants could use it. Then Thumpback found Frightbeard and after a few minutes he defeated him and grabbed his sword and brought both back to the others. While he was gone the other Giants and Brock defeated every wanted villain that was working for Captain Frightbeard and used the Traptanium shard to open a vortex and send all the prisoners on board back to their jail cells and then Thumpback threw Captain Frightbeard up into the vortex. Then the Giants, Brock, and the prisoners jumped off with the sword of Captain Frightbeard and the Chest of Exile and relocked the chest again and used the Traptanium shard to open a vortex to send every prisoner on the fleet back to prison and it worked because every villain went into to Traptanium vortex while fleet of Captain Frightbeard went into the Chest of Exiles vortex. When Cali read the villain detector and discovered only four villains left due to the Giants and Brock's great idea. Then the Giants came to the Dread Yacht holding the Chest of Exile in there and Brock found Baron Von Shellshock and went charging after him and they allowed him to do it while they carried the Chest of Exile back to the Dread Yacht. While the Giants were carrying the Chest of Exile onto the Dread Yacht they discovered that Brock has returned lifting Baron Von Shellshock on his shoulders and the he threw him on the ground and allowed Ninjini to use the shard to send him back but before he was sent back Shellshock yelled out that it wouldn't be the last they see of him and he landed back into his cell. Then Kaos and his mother arrived in the Arkeyan Conquertron but before they could attack robo Flynn arrived and grabbed the Arkeyan Conquertron hands before they hit the other and then Flynn asked the Giants and Brock for some help. But little did Kaos and his mother expect that the Swap Force, the Trap Team, the Super Chargers, and Chompy Mage Arrived to help the Giants and Brock taken the Arkeyan Conquertron and because of their teamwork the knocked down the Arkeyan Conquertron and Flynn grabbed the enemy spawner from Kaos due to the Arkeyan Conquertron face being open and he gave it to Cali and she gave him the Traptanium shard and Flynn used it to send them back and it even trapped Kaos mother back into the mirror she was in. The Traptanium shard even magically lifted the Arkeyan Conquertron and sent it back into the vault. Then Flynn used the Traptanium shard to remove and then send the Iron fist of Arkus back into the storage vault too. After that Flynn gave the Traptanium shard back to Cali and she thanked him for his assistance and even his heroism too. But before they could leave Cali discovered that there was one villain left in Centopia and she discovered that it was Mesmeralda. They also discovered that the four ancient elementals were still missing too. Meanwhile all the Centopia citizens were heading back to the Elf Palace but little did they know that Mesmeralda was following them to their home but little did they expect that the Tree Spirit in her cage landed near their homeland while the other three landed in three other places in Centopia since they were push off by Captain Frightbeard so they skylanders wouldn't find them easily. But when they realized they were being followed Mia, Yuko, and Mo found Mesmeralda and tied her up in vines so she wouldn't escape while someone went to tell the skylanders about her and the Tree Spirit in a crystal cage that they saw before they left. They sent Mia to tell the skylanders about what happened and when she told them they asked her where they were and Tree Rex, Short Cut, and Blast Zone followed her to where she was talking about. Once they got there Short Cut used his scissors to break apart the Traptanium cage and freed her from it and then Blast Zone told her that he would lead her back to the Dread Yacht and she agreed to follow him. But before he left Blast Zone told the other two that he will with back with Stink Bomb and Trap Shadow for extra help. Then Tree Rex lifted up Mesmeralda and then Sharpfin and Tessa came by on his ship and they told him that they will take her back to the Dread Yacht. Meanwhile back at the Dread Yacht Mesmeralda begged Cali not to send her back but Cali decided to let Chompy Mage send her back with the shard and he was honored to use it, then he used it on Mesmeralda to send her back to her cell, and then he used it to open a portal back to his own cell. But before he left he gave it back to Cali and said that he would see them again back in his cell and he waved goodbye to them for now. Meanwhile ShortCut was using his scissor to free the other three ancient elementals from their Traptanium cells and once they were free then Tree Rex, Short Cut, Trap Shadow, Stink Bomb, and Blast Zone then told them they would show them the way to the Dread Yacht and the back to skylands. Once everyone was on a vessel they went back to the academy through the rift while waving goodbye to Centopia and the friends there too. When they reached home everyone got off the vessels they were riding on and they were informed about their success by Buzz and then he said every villain that escaped was recaptured. Then the four ancient elementals returned to the Cloudbreak islands. Then Flynn found and pressed the enemy spawner and accidentally spawn a fire viper that went to the prison but before it could leave the Giants grabbed it tail and arms so the other skylanders could break it crystals and when all the crystals were gone on the outside it broke free from their grip and attempted to eat Ninjini but before it could Hot Head grabbed a big bomb and threw it into the fire viper mouth and down its throat and blew up the last crystal in it stomach defeating it causing it to fall off the island and exploded into a fiery explosion after it was a safe distance away from the academy. Then Flynn gave the enemy spawner back to Cali before he could have spawned something worse and Cali agreed with that. But without knowing it Phuddle had snuck on board just to see what skylands was and when he got off the Dread Yacht he discovered that it was amazing and shocking to see floating islands around him. Meanwhile back in Centopia Mia, Yuko, and Mo discovered that Phuddle was missing and they told the king and queen that they were going through the rift and agreed but Mo couldn't go due to him having lessons about being king and but they did allow Yuko and Mia to go to the rift to Skylands. Then they both flew through the rift and discovered that Skylands is huge and Mia discovered her bracelet had an endless amount of energy in Skylands. They two of them discovered that they ended up at the skylands academy and then they saw Trap Shadow and Stink Bomb walking by. But when they said hello to both of them they vanished into thin air and grabbed Mia and Yuko while they were both invisible and unexpectedly appeared behind the two elves and called for Cali and Buzz to ask to make sure the two girls were not a threat and Cali told both of them that they were friends from the other world and the two skylanders let them go and they vanished and appeared behind Cali. Then Buzz arrived and asked what was going on and Cali told him that they were friends from Centopia. Then Mia and Yuko told them that they were looking for Phuddle because he wasn't anywhere in Centopia and they thought might be in Skylands instead. Then Bouncer arrived and told them that he saw Phuddle in the academy's kitchen looking through all the cookbooks. Then Ghost Roaster and Slam Bam grabbed him and took him to Buzz to explain that they found him in the kitchen looking through the cookbooks. Phuddle explained why he was looking through the cookbooks in order to learn about the many magical recipes that were hidden inside the several books that he read so he could make one of them for the king and queen of centopia. After phuddle finished his explanation Buzz considered that the rift between skylands and centopia should be closed in order to prevent any other dangerous forces in skylands from entering Centopia any longer and Mia, Yuko, and Phuddle agreed that the rift should be closed once they return to Centopia. Buzz asked Cali if she and Flynn could take the three of them homes and after several minutes Flynn arrived from the kitchen. Buzz told Flynn if he and Cali could fly the Centopia residents back home through the rift and he agreed because Cali would be with him and that he also wanted to fly through the rift one last time forward and back. After several minutes Flynn and everyone on the dread yacht was prepared to go to the rift and Buzz said that he would get two of the Giants to help out by guarding the rift to prevent bad guys from entering it. Flynn then said that it was time for take off and flew everyone on board the dread yacht through the rift to Centopia. Once they got through the rift Flynn landed the dread yacht and Mia, Yuko, Phuddle got off and said goodbye to their friends from skylands. Once they got off and said their goodbyes Flynn started up the dread yacht and flew himself and Cali back to their home world skylands while both said goodbye to Centopia for the last time. Then the dread yacht flies through the rift back to skylands and lands near the academy and the both get off and then they both head towards Buzz to inform him that the three were returned back home. Buzz then informs Tree Rex and Thumpback that the mission was accomplished and that it was time to close the rift for good. Then Mags arrived to help repair the portal that opened the rift with the help of several of the smartest skylanders to help Mags with its repairs. After several hours Mags and the skylanders announced that the portal was completely repaired and then the rift closed for good. Afterward Buzz and the Trap Team wanted to make sure no villains secretly snuck past the two giants guarding the rift. After the finished checking it was clear that no villain escape through the rift. The Buzz returned to the academy to inform everyone that every villain remained within each of their prison cells. Then after a few days everything in skylands was back to normal since the epic adventure that occurred in both Centopia and Skylands. Meanwhile back in Centopia everything was the way it was before and Phuddle was depressed because he didn't have a chance to make one of those magical recipes from skylander acadamy's cookbooks. Then Mia arrived to cheer Phuddle up and told him maybe one day he could go back and make one of those recipes and that really cheered him up and the both walked to the Elf Palace. Once the got there Phuddle told the elves about what skylands looked like and about all the residents there. After that Phuddle told the elves about all the skylanders he saw there at the academy. Afterwards all the elves talked about skylands and its residents then Onchao came along and asked Mia what every elf was talking about and she told him that Phuddle told everyone about their encounter with the residents of skylands. She also told him that rift the was closed several days ago by the residents on the other side. He asked her why it was closed and she told him that it was done to prevent someone or something dangerous from their world from entering Centopia. Then Onchao thanked her for telling what happened a while ago. Then everything in both worlds returned to normal after one month passed. Meanwhile in skyland Flynn was still enjoying the thought of the return of his beloved ship the dread yacht all due to one of the portals malfunctioning and opening a rift to where his ship was sent to. While flying his ship Flynn says that was one of the most awesome adventures that he, the skylanders, and some of the residents of skylands had ever had yet. Flynn even said that the residents of Centopia probably had an exciting adventure just like everyone in skylands did. Then Flynn returns to the academy and explains that all this started when he accidentally dropped one of his enchiladas onto one of the portals about two months ago.

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