Hey :-)))
Hi :))))
So I was thinking that this would be easier than scrolling through DMS all the time so uh here's my number ***-***-****
You can just text me instead.
Or call me because I really want to hear you just say my name... or you know just hear you talk in general.
*Message Erased*So yeah :-)
Alright then I will text you :) the text should come in, in a second.
Hiii Corpse (-:
Unknown has been changed to
Corpsey 🖤
Corpsey 🖤:
Again with the smiley face?
Yes, it's not gonna stop you're just gonna have to get used to it :-)
Oh my god.
Corpsey 🖤:
What happened Emi?I just had an idea and I think it's a little brilliant.
Corpsey 🖤:
What is it?Omg, can I like call you and explain this idea but only if you're comfortable with it? If not, it's okay I can totally just text it.
Corpsey 🖤:
It's fine Emi, I'm okay with it.Okay, cool the call should be coming through here in just a second.
XD couldn't resist the hanger there but anyway here is chapter 17 and I hope you guys enjoy the chapter next one will be the phone call and explain what Emi's idea is.