Chapter 47 - Framed But Not A Picture (Edited)

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Warning ⚠️
Big Cliffhanger Ahead


Addison and I waited for Jake to finish practice after school and that would usually around 30 minutes at most or a little bit longer because they had their final game next Friday and I can't imagine what hell their coach is gonna make them pass through.

Even thinking about it makes me shudder.

Although Daniel was part of those having practice, I don't plan on going with him.
Addison, Jake and I had already planned to meet up at Jake's house so we could start up working on our projects and then tomorrow it would be Addison's and the next mine.

I don't know why we planned on rotating it but whatever works right?

"Aren't you supposed to have cheerleading practice?" I asked Addison who sat next to me on the grass just like other students because it felt much better than on the uncomfortable metal benches scattered around.

This part of our school had long trees which cast big shadows around and the wind was perfect here even the lighting was perfect for pictures. It used to be a part of the school which I'm not sure the principal knew what to do with it until he noticed it was a hangout spot for everyone both during school hours and after and so he set up benches and called it a "recreation ground".

"Nah, Tomorrow... Ugh and we'll start an argument on what design our cheer leading outfits should be like" Addison groaned throwing her head back.

"What?... Why do you guys have to choose a new design? What's wrong with the ones you guys have now?" I asked not exactly sure what's going on.

She then looked at me like I have spoken blasphemy or something of that sort?

"Is there something on my hair?" I asked as I began frantically running my hands through my hair.

"Are you even in this school? Every graduation, cheerleaders change their outfits the past set chose these ones we wear and we have to chose something even better" she said in a way that made it sound like she was explaining it to a 5 year old.

"You would've noticed if you paid attention to the things around you"  she scoffed and threw a leaf my way which never even made it in my direction as the wind blew it back to her and that made me laugh.

"Instant karma" I smirked and she joined in laughing too.

A comfortable silence fell between both of us as our attention focused on nothing in particular. The other kids sitting on the grass, a few making TikToks, Taking photos for Instagram and others laughing way too loud and speaking at the top of their voices. I'm really gonna miss this when we graduate.

After a few minutes I could spot Jake and Daniel with Gabriel trodding behind them and a couple of other teammates I couldn't remember their names.

"We're over here" Addison called out to them as she waved her raised hand in the air.

Once they has spotted us A smile spread across Daniel's face once our eyes met and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Why are you smiling-... oh.." She said once she followed my eyes and looked at Daniel.

"I know something is going on between you two" She leaned in sideways to whisper to me as they got closer.

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