Chapter 51 - Traps Are For Preys (Edited)

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There is a change POV in this chapter.


"ANTEL" Bryan said as he picked up the black card I had placed on the table which separated us.

He examined the card once more before looking at me with a raised brow.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Marc's been kidnapped-"


"Let me finish Bryan"

He raised his hands in surrender and motioned for me to continue.

I explained everything that's happened within the last 24 hours which led up to this very moment. I had left immediately to come here right now after Mellisa confirmed that indeed the badge we had found earlier was from Marc's jacket.

"Fuck... Daniel... this is really getting dangerous and... I don't even know what to say or do..." He said running a hand through his hair which has now been let down.

"I know... I think we should let mom and dad know about this" I stated.

He looked at me like I had gone crazy before responding,


"Are you insane? Someone or some people got the guy I like hostage at God knows where and probably inflicting pain on him and you say we shouldn't tell them about this?"

It was my turn to look at him like he had gone crazy.

"Firstly, you need to calm down, He'll be fine. We can't get them involved in this if not there will be a lot of serious consequences especially on our side and if what we discussed the other day is correct which from how things are going I assume it is."

"Then they won't hurt him at all. They will come looking for something else. Marc isn't their main target" Bryan explained.
"Also, you like him huh?" He smirked.

I became a shade of pink instantly.

"Bryan...!!!" I warned to which he only laughed.

"So... What do we do now? His parents are really worried" I asked.

"Firstly, I'll research on ANTEL and see what I find... and you on the other hand should check for any clues you can find... whosoever is doing this isn't a stranger and they know exactly what they want" Bryan says and stands up but not before taking the card along with him:

I wan left with so many questions on my mind to which I couldn't get the answers to. I decided to make a silent prayer for Marc so that he'll be safe and sound.

As the hours went by I began to panic more as I had texted and even tried calling Marc multiple times with hope that the next one will finally be the one which he responds to but nothing.

I couldn't wrap my head around anything right now as a pounding headache has made me its victim in the last couple of hours.

While I tried piecing information together, I ended up mixing everything up and that made me so fucking frustrated because I don't know why all this should be happening in the first place and why this person or these people are doing this.

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