Wanda Maximoff (sad)

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You father Bucky clutched your hand tight as you stood amongst your friends. Steve, Clint, Sam, Scott, Wanda and yourself stared at your other friends, who were now considered your enemies. There were a few masked faces you didn't recognise amongst your former friends, but you ignore them, only concerned with how this battle was going to play out.

Choosing Team Cap was a decision you'd made without any consideration. You loved Wanda, and you believed that your dad wasn't the one who bombed the UN. Wanda and your dad had begged you not to come, not to put yourself in danger for them. But you had to be here, you were conflicted about fighting against your friends, but they needed to understand. That your dad wasn't the monster Hydra had made, he was a victim.

You and Wanda break apart as Tony and your new enemies started marching towards you. Glancing over, Steve nods down the line, and Team Cap starts marching forward as well.

"They aren't stopping," you hear the mask stranger say. You recognise him as the vigilante on the news, known as Spiderman. Intrigue plays in the back of your mind, noticing that he sounded young. But your mind was too preoccupied with the oncoming battle to worry about trivial things.

As soon as the two lines of friends collided, it was mayhem. Everyone seemed to break off, fighting their skill set equal. You were left to fight against Spiderman. Swinging for his face, he casually grabs your hand, stopping it mid punch with intense strength. You frown at him, wondering how he was so strong; he was stronger than Your dad or Steve, but nowhere near as built.

You counter with a swift kick to his knee. You caught him off guard and his knee buckles, sending him to the ground. Jumping down, you straddle him. Once again he catches your punch before it can get anywhere near his face. You try to punch him with your other hand, but you should have guessed that he'd stop that one too.

Suddenly you're forced over, now laying flat on your back as Spiderman straddles you. Dropping your fists, he throws a swift punch. It was too fast for you to avoid, and connects with your face. And another. This kid was kicking your ass, and you couldn't even move, his body was too heavy for you to even move, let alone try to gain the upper hand again.

You only had one card left to play. Groaning out loud, you finally show how painful his punches were.

"Oh, god," he sits up, releasing the pressure from your torso, "Oh god, are you hurt? I'm so sorry, I told Mr. Stark I didn't want to hit a woman, but-"

It takes everything in you not to roll your eyes at the vigilante, who was clearly no older than 18. Using his rambling to your advantage, you sit up best you can and quickly slam your head into his.

Spiderman groans out, clutching his forehead where yours had connected with his. Your head was hurt too, but you ignore it. You shift underneath his body, gaining leverage to flip Spiderman back over, giving you the advantage once again.

Raising your fist up, you freeze, a shine from metal catching your eye. Looking up to see properly, your heart stops as you see Your dad and the man dressed as a black cat holding each other by the throat. You know that it wasn't a good idea to leave your battle to help your dad, but you wouldn't be able to concentrate if you knew he was in danger.

A punch connects with your ribs, and you swear you hear a crack. Looking down, you see Spiderman taking a swing for your face. Suddenly his hand stops in mid air, Wanda's red energy covering it, holding it back from your face.

"Go!" she yells at you, her arms extended towards you and Spiderman, her eyes trained on the vigilante.

You give her a small nod and yell that you love her, and jump up, ignoring the twinge of pain from your ribs and your muscles. You run over to Bucky as fast as your legs can carry you.

"I didn't kill your father," Bucky spits at the black cat,

"Then why did you run?" you hear the muffled voice of Bucky's attacker reply.

"Oh, I don't know... Maybe because you tried to kill him?" you yell.

The black cat turns around, releasing Bucky, as you jump up. Coming down, your fist connects with the black cat's face. Bucky looks at you, a crease etched between his eyebrows as you dodge a punch from his attacker.

You and your dad both fight against the black cat, taking turns to catch him off guard and connect blows. Every time he landed a punch on you, Bucky's rage grew, making his attacks harder and faster.

The black cat makes a swipe for your face, his silver claws extended and impossibly sharp. Pulling your arms up, you shield your face, hoping that if they tore through your skin it wouldn't be as bad on your forearms.

A searing pain prangs from your stomach, making you drop your hands to clutch at the source of your pain. The black cat had the perfect opportunity to take you out, but he was only standing frozen.

As you pull your hands away from your stomach, you notice that everyone had stopped fighting. Tony, in his suit, landed a few feet from you. His face plate slides up, revealing a horrified expression, glued to your stomach.

Looking down, you see that warm blood had coated your hands. It was your blood. The black cat's claws had connected, not with your face or arms, but with your stomach. The pain intensifies as you come to the realisation you were hurt, badly. The pain got so bad that your knees buckle, but before you hit the ground, Wanda rushes forward and catches you with her powers.

Your breathing was becoming increasingly laboured, your heart was banging against your chest as you start to panic. Looking up at Wanda, her face mirrored exactly how you felt. Tears were already brimming in her eyes as her eye sight slides from your face to your bleeding wound.

"Y/N, hang on okay," Bucky breathes out, his voice was strangled, "Hey, look at me," Wanda voice raises as your eyes start feeling heavy. Every time you had to blink, it took everything in you to force them open again, "Doll, look at me, listen to my voice,"

Everyone was now gathered around, the battle they'd been fighting moments before all but forgotten.

"Wanda," you force out. Wanda tries to shush you, shaking her head, but you ignore her. You needed to finally say it, you'd been waiting for too long. And if you were right, this was your last chance, "Wanda... Maximoff, I love you,"

Tears were now flowing freely from Wandas eyes and running rapidly down her cheeks, "Baby, don't do that. Don't give up. I love you, you're going to be okay,"

Your arm felt like it weighed a thousand tonnes, but you pull it up, cupping it around Wanda stumbled cheek. You close your eyes to blink, but this time you didn't have any more strength to open them.

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