There's too many colors enough to drive all of us insane. [2]

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It's been 17 years since Cesar witnessed his best friend kill himself.

17 years since Mark put that gun to his head and pulled the trigger.
17 years since Cesar last felt an ounce of happiness.

Now Cesar does nothing but roam Mandela County, nothing to do, no one to talk to. Is this what comes after death for everyone? Probably not. He doesn't see any other ghosts roaming the world.

It's 2009 now, Cesar realizes. God, we're in the 2000's already? It's beyond him.

...maybe he should go back. He wants to see what Mark's house looks like, to see if anything's changed, he tries to convince himself, but he knows that's not the case.

He wants to see if Mark's body is still there.

It's probably decomposed by now, so...Mark's bones, maybe?

Cesar just wants to see something of his best friend again. He really misses Mark.

So he starts on his journey to Mark's house.


Cesar was inside Mark's old house, in the living room. He's not surprised that anything hasn't changed. The tale of Mark Heathcliff spread around like wildfire after it happened, so he's not surprised.

He searches the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the guest room, and finally, he walks up to the open door leading to his best friend's room. He's nervous, he's scared. What is he going to see? time like the present.

He floats into the room, to see...


Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. This has to be a dream. This can't be real.

But it's all too real as the ghost of Mark Heathcliff turned to face Cesar, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted as if to say something, but nothing coming out.

Cesar was shaking, eyes wide and darting between Mark and the bed. Eventually, all that was spoken was a small, quiet: "...Cesar?" from Mark. And then all caution got thrown to the wind as Cesar (metaphorically) ran to Mark and embraced him, sobbing into his shoulder.

Mark stumbled back slightly as he got tackle hugged by Cesar, but embraced him nonetheless, rubbing his back as he rocked the two. "Hey, Ces, hey, it's alright, 'm here now..." Mark softly mumbled, trying to comfort the sobbing raven haired male.

Cesar gripped the back of Mark's hoodie, loudly crying. This felt like a dream. And he doesn't wanna wake up.

Cesar then pulled away from Mark and slapped him in the cheek full force, unprompted. "Mark, you fucking bitch, don't ever leave me again! Why didn't you come find me?!"

Mark put a hand on his cheek, before shaking his head. "Couldn't. I've been trapped here, Ces. I can't leave this room."

Cesar furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, before shaking his head and hugging Mark again. "I'm so sorry for slapping you, I'm just- overwhelmed and I don't know how or what to do. I'm sorry. I missed you so fucking much, Mark."

Mark silently nodded, continuing to hug Cesar. "I missed ya' too, Ces. I really did."

Cesar choked out more sobs. "I watched you die. I watched you kill yourself...I watched that damn alternate torture you for three days. I felt so terrible that I couldn't help you, Mark. I didn't want you to die! But you did, and I couldn't stop it-"

Cesar got shut up by a hand over his mouth. "Hey, Cesar, listen to me. You're okay. I'm okay. We have each other, now. We don't have to be separated again. It's alright." Cesar's life (death? Life and death?) companion spoke softly, causing Cesar to nod weakly.

After all, he has Mark now.

And to Cesar? That's all that matters.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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