Part 22

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"Wo is not kind! not generous!" 

The angry little milk voice sounded. Turning around, leaving only a small back with frizzy hair... 

The system sighed helplessly, why didn't she listen to the persuasion?

It was getting late, but the little cubs who were supposed to go back to the palace refused to go back and wanted to stay in the Meng Mansion for one night. Mei Jiuniang and Meng Ziyan thought that the cub couldn't bear them, so they were naturally overjoyed...

After a while, the cub said that she was tired and wanted to rest for a while. 

As a result, as soon as everyone left, she quickly got up from the bed and sneaked out of the door when no one was paying attention... 

At first, the system was still wondering what the cub wanted to do?

But seeing the little brat walking towards the backyard with a clear goal, it instantly understood...

This is the hatred of not forgetting the "provocation"!

It began to think, is this little dragon cub mixed with the blood of Jiezhen?

Everyone knows the Dragon has nine sons, and the eldest, Jie Ji, has a very small heart. As the saying goes, "Ji Ji's grievances will be avenged."

In any case, this little brat is too vengeful!

Wanting to dispel the idea of ​​accompany, the system softly persuaded: 【Humans like "kind and generous" children, if you are like this, others will think that you are a small child and will not like you in the future... 】

Hearing the system's words, Peipei stopped moving forward and slowly lowered her head.

The system secretly said in his heart: This trick seems to work, it knows that children are afraid of this...

However, it is also right, according to the experience of so many small worlds in the past, human beings like to talk to " kind and generous" people. Because such people will always be infinitely generous and tolerant of their mistakes.

Even if you are hurt, as long as you apologize and admit your mistake, you will forgive each other "kindly and generously"...

It has been seen before. 

In a small world, after the male and female protagonists fall in love, one day the female protagonist suddenly discovers that the male protagonist is the one who killed her parents in a racing accident. Next, the male protagonist did not go to jail but forgot everything and went abroad.

After learning the truth, after a series of inner struggles, the heroine finally chose to forgive the hero and the two got married.

During this period, the parents and friends of the male protagonist were worried that the female protagonist was seeking revenge, so they had been careful to guard against the female protagonist.

But after marriage, the heroine has always used her actual actions to prove that she is a good wife and daughter-in-law. And in order not to make the male protagonist feel guilty, she did not tell him the truth of the car accident. In the end, the "kindness and generosity" of the female protagonist touched everyone...

In that small world, the system also heard many voices praising the female protagonist for being "atmospheric". transparent".

Therefore, according to this logical reasoning, people who have revenge will be fussy and unlovable...

"It's not like that!"

After a moment of silence, Pepe finally made a sound.

Zizai's little milky voice sounded very serious,

"Paipai is never "kind" nor "generous". Paipai is stingy! If you are upset, you will lose your temper, and if others bully Paipai, you will pay back immediately. Hit the hand back..." 

The fleshy little fist clenched tightly, "There are still many... many shortcomings..."

"If they only like "kind and generous" children, it's not going to be PeiPei! They don't like because of this. PeiPei don't care!"

Zaizai raised his head and said seriously:

"There will always... there will always be someone who likes Peipei like this and even if it doesn't, Peipei will also like me!" 

The system was silent Now...

it's narrow.

Measured by secular unified standards, obviously different children.


looking at the majestic back of the cubs...

is this the reason why you ran to find those big white geese to duel!

The twilight ignited like a flame, and the afterglow of the west slanted spread on the water surface, rippling with light...


A large white goose pecked a few times on the edge of the sink, then stretched its long neck, sprinkled A few drops of water refracting brightly fell, fluttering the big snow-white wings, and shouting happily several times.


The other big white geese were either brushing their wings, or leisurely wandering around the fence, patrolling their territory...


their keen hearing made them quickly alert.

The white-haired goose tail moved slightly and a strong "murderous aura" rushed toward the face...

Turning his neck slightly, the human cub who were mocked and provoked by them this morning were staring at this place with a burning gaze.

Zaizai put her hands on her hips, white and tender face was tense, big black eyes were blazing with fire, and her chubby little body was bursting with infinite fighting intent...


The voice was still loud and superior. with provocation.

The big white geese have a pair of eyes with a special structure and they can see anything smaller than them, so they have always been fearless, it can be said that they have "nothing in sight"... 

In the face of the high-spirited cubs, they will not give in at all, tight Staring at the "tiny" human cub in his eyes.

The wind blew through the fallen leaves, the atmosphere was extremely tense, and there was still a strong smell of gunpowder smoke in the air...

I just heard the small milk voice angrily:


"Jia ya!!!" 

The war break out...


The sky is covered with a soft veil on the Hall of Supreme Harmony. After finishing the day's memorial, Qi yan tiredly rubbed his eyebrows.

In his heart, he thought that the person who went to Meng Ziyan's mansion to pick up the little one should also come back...

Meng Ziyan has been following him for many years and now he is an important general in the court of Qi. His wife, Mei Jiuniang, is also a heroine in the world...

Both of them have heavy soldiers in their hands. 

Whether it is the Chiyan Army under Meng Ziyan's command, or the Women's Army under Mei Jiuniang, they are both brave and skilled soldiers.

Not only the Montessori couple, but also Yue Lin, Ye Zhu and others...

Civil servants and military generals, both in the open and in the dark. They will all be good ministers and generals who support her all the way to the throne of God...

A soft footstep,

"Your Majesty," Guan Quan stepped forward, bowed his head, and said, "Those people have been dealt with properly."

Qi Yan rested his head in one hand, half-lifted his eyelids, his eyes were lazy and indifferent,

"Is there nothing left..."

Guan Quan lowered his eyebrows, and said more respectfully: "Everywhere in the palace has been cleaned, just like in the past, absolutely There won't be anything "bad" left to stain the eyes of the little princess..."

Qi Yan lowered his eyes, and Guan Quan went out quietly.

This time I asked Xiaobudian to go out of the palace to Mengfu, saying that she was asked to go to Mengziyan to learn boxing and kung fu. In fact, it was just an excuse to deceive her out of the palace...

Recently, there have been many "eyes" and "ears" in the palace. quietly inquired about the daily life of the little one.

The corner of Qi Yan's mouth raised a sneer,

It seems that the blood from four years ago was not enough...

Sensing something, his deep eyes stared at the outside of the hall, and an indifferent voice slowly opened his mouth and said,

"Why haven't come in yet." 

In front of the heavy wooden door, Su Que frowned slightly, a look of embarrassment on his face.

When suddenly heard His Majesty's voice, I was suddenly startled, and hurriedly entered the palace...

Qi Yan's indifferent eyes swept away, and a little angrily said:

"I told you to go to Mengfu to pick up the little princess back to the palace, where's the person?"

Su Que cupped his hands He pleaded guilty before, and smiled helplessly,

"The little princess said that she wants to stay at General Meng's mansion for one more night, and she refuses to return to the palace today..."

Hearing this, Qi Yan raised her eyebrows slightly.

That little guy with no conscience seems to be having fun...

He didn't know that there are such fun things in this Mengfu, so that the little guy doesn't want to leave...

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