Untitled Part 55

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Out the trail, on the dirt road.

The number of pedestrians gradually increased, the porters and traders carried the baskets and hawked their goods in the streets and alleys.

In the street stalls and shops, there are various voices of bargaining, you come and go, it is very lively.

In the restaurant,

"Little Er come with two bowls of noodles" and "Okay, please wait a moment", the shop assistants move between the lobby and the back kitchen neatly, passing dishes, drinking wine and attracting customers. They are always smiling and busy. Also happy.

Lou Zhao held his own baggage firmly in his hands, and carried peipei all the way to the small town. As the noon sun rose day by day, he thought that the little baby should be hungry, so he was going to find an inn to rest first.

PeiPei lying on Lou Zhao's thin back, she was a little drowsy, and didn't know how long he had been walking from the outskirts of the city.

"This guest officer, do you still live in the store?" Seeing the young man with a baby at the door of the store, the man greeted him enthusiastically and asked skillfully.

"Stay in the shop." Lou Zhao said gently.

In the past, if he was the only one alone, he would save as much as he could, and would be able to sleep in the suburbs for one night. But now that there is a child on his back, he can't be so sloppy, especially since the child's health is not very good. 

Lou Zhao randomly found an empty seat, turned his head slightly, and said softly, 

"I'm hungry, let's go first. Eat something."

Then he slowly squatted down and put down the doll on his back.

PeiPei did not speak and sat silently on the long bench of the inn, with two little feet dangling in the air; this bench was really not very friendly to her, it was obvious that he was bullying her small.

Lou Zhao asked the guy for two bowls of noodles, turned around, and sat next to peipei.

"We're going to stay here for a few days and prepare some herbs." He said to peipei gently.

"By the way, by the way, I still don't know what your name is."

Looking at the indifferent face of the little doll in front of him, Lou Zhao smiled brightly, and said softly, "Can you tell me?"

A moment of silence.

Lou Zhao was not in a hurry, still smiling gently, waiting patiently for her to speak.

"Accompany me." A childish voice rang in his ears.

Lou Zhao looked at those big clear and bright eyes seriously, and said solemnly, "PeiPei, hello. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lou Zhao."

This person is a little silly.

Pei Pei stared at Lou Zhao's smiling face and thought quietly.

The face is ready.

Lou Zhao took two bowls of noodles from the second shop assistant, took out a bowl and placed it in front of his companion. The fragrant scorpion was poured on the snow-white surface, and there was a big chicken thigh in the bowl.

"Hurry up and eat." Lou Zhao said softly.

Pei Pei looked at the clear soup noodles sprinkled with only a few chopped green onions in her bowl, her thick eyelashes drooped, didn't know what she was thinking.

"What's the matter?" 

Lou Zhao was a little puzzled when he saw the little doll not moving her chopsticks. Immediately showing a clear look,

"Is it still possible to make chopsticks?" A slightly smiling voice sounded.

Pei Pei glanced at him, but said nothing.

"That's it, I'll feed you."

Lou Zhao put down the chopsticks in his hand, picked up the bowl in front of peipei noodles, "Ah" coaxing the five-year-old baby in front of him like a one or two-year-old baby. don't know what to think of, but Peipei opened her mouth obediently, but did not refuse.

One bite of chicken thigh, one bite of noodles. Soon, Lou Zhao realized that something was wrong, and frowned slightly.

"You can't just eat meat and not vegetables. Children won't grow taller like this."

When he fed her the chicken in the bowl, she ate it obediently; when he fed the noodles, she also ate a few mouthfuls; however, When feeding her the green vegetables in the bowl, she refused to stick a bite.

"Children can't be picky eaters." 

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